Title: Harry Coumnas Is Spearheading The Space Travel Movement
1Harry Coumnas Is Spearheading The Space Travel
2After spending more than two decades studying
space, Harry Coumnas is sure of the potential
that lies in space vacations. Certainly not the
first, Harry is amongst the group of people who
believe that the future is near. He is currently
raising funds for future space vacations,
3But more than that it's building the
infrastructure on the moon. He has sought
assistance from a plethora of international space
organizations who are doing research. By sharing
his knowledge and findings with them, Harry has
convinced many rich people and politicians to get
on board.
4Being a humanitarian, Harry is dedicated to the
uplift-ment of society and advancement of human
beings. He has been a member of many
organizations that work to empower women and
children. The space venture is a master effort
on his part, and he hopes to go down in History
as the man responsible for promoting extra
terrestrial travel and vacations.
5He believes that although there is a lot that we
still don't know, we should not be afraid to
venture into space . This will prove to be a
tremendous learning opportunity and we can be
optimistic about what lies in our future.
6About Harry Coumnas Harry Coumnas is a model
citizen of the society who believes that everyone
should contribute for the betterment of the
society. He is based in South Africa and has been
working for the last many years to help people in
overcoming the obstacles that they are facing in
their lives and lead a happy and fulfilled life.