Title: Guar Gum Machinery Manufacturer and Supplier
1Guar Gum Machinery Manufacturer and Supplier
2Tamarind Seed Cutter Machine
- Different capacity machine
- are available and are also
- manufactured as per
- Customer requirements.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
3Dust Cyclone
- Paddle Mixer or Ribbon Blender
- is compact, dust free, silent,
- rotay sieving machine which
- works on the principle of
- centrifugal force.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
4Pneumatic Conveying System
- Our Pneumatic Conveying
- System has found it application
- in various industries for handling
- any sort of bulk solid in form of
- powder, pellet, flakes and granules.
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5Pneumatic Blower
- Our company offers
- Pneumatic Blower for
- Solids Powder that are
- used for the conveying,
- weighing batching of
- dry materials
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6Paddle Mixer
- Paddle Mixer or Ribbon
- Blender is compact, dust
- free, silent, rotary sieving
- machine which works on
- the principle of centrifugal
- force.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
7Screw Conveyor
- Screw Conveyors form an
- essential part in the
- movement of bulk
- materials. suitable for a
- wide range of applications,
- Screw Conveyors are
- simple robust in design,
- versatile and easily
- maintained.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
8Paddle Conveyor
- In Paddle Conveyor, paddles
- are fitted at regular intervals
- along the length of the shaft
- to provide resistance to
- forward flow and therefore
- results into effective stirring
- or mixing of the material
- conveyed
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9Storage Silo's
- The storage silos designed
- and manufactured by us
- are calculated on the b
- asis of flow characteristics
- of the material to be
- handled and its cohesive
- strength.
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10Blower- High Pressure, Low Pressure
- Blower is mainly used for
- transmission of air outside
- from various locations. It
- has got a wide range of
- applications like industrial,
- environmental,
- instrumentation, and
- chemical processing
- applications.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
11Bucket Elevator
- We also manufacture and
- supply a satisfying range of
- Bucket Elevator which is
- known for its effectual
- working. Bucket Elevator
- uses a special mechanism
- that can be used to move
- bulk material in vertical
- manner.
Visit More Information http//goo.gl/qmQ4D0
12contact us
Mr. Ramesh Patel 4204, Phase-4, B/h. New Nirma,
G.I.D.C., Vatva, Ahmedabad, Gujarat - 380 001,
India Telephone (91)-(79)-25841845 Mobile
(91)-9427000881 Email Id
info_at_vishalmachinery.com Website
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