Title: Erica Frischkorn – A Competent Teacher
1Erica Frischkorn A Competent Teacher
2Erica Frischkorn is a competent French and
English teacher with a generous demeanor. She has
an outstanding academic background and a stable
professional career. She received her Bachelor of
Arts degree in English and French from McMaster
University, Hamilton, ON in 2009. She then went
on to pursue her Bachelor of Education in
English, French and Special Education, from
Queen's University, Kingston, ON. Currently, she
is doing her Masters of Education in Curriculum
and Instruction in Language Arts.
3Her professional journey as a teacher began in
2009, when she was appointed as a French teacher
for Grade 9 at a local school in Napanee, ON.
Here, she introduced interactive learning to
promote oral communication and writing in the
French language. Later, she got the chance to
teach English to Grade 12 students and French to
Grade 6-7 students.
4Erica Frischkorn is a true humanitarian and has
worked as a volunteer teacher as well as student
ambassador in the past. She has also received
many awards and honors for her exceptional skills
and performance in both her academic and
professional career. She was honored by the
Golden Key International Honors Society for
coming in the top fifteen percentile of her
master's program.
5As a person, Erica Frischkorn is extremely
generous and kind hearted. Despite having a busy
schedule, she does not forget to take out time
for little things that give her pleasure. In free
time, she likes to unwind by indulging in
activities like reading, traveling, etc. So far,
she has traveled to Europe, the Galapagos
Islands, Canada, and the United States. She is
also a fitness enthusiast and works out
regularly. She has participated in ½ marathons
and various types of races as well.
6Thank You Erica Frischkorn