Title: KUK B.Ed Guidance and counseling in Delhi
KUK B.Ed Admission Registration
Contact 91 8802753378, 8285761390
2Kurukshetra University B.Ed Counseling 2014-15.
The way to conquer the world is through
education. India is a fore-runner in the field of
education with a wide range of schools, colleges
and technical/professional institutions. A
successful institution is built on the reputation
of trained educators/teachers and so it has
become a vital requirement for those aspiring to
teach, to qualify from reputed colleges and
universities. Gone are the days when being a
graduate was considered a qualification for being
a teacher. Today a person who aspires to become
a teacher has to complete a B.Ed (Bachelor of
Education) a one year course that trains the
candidate to be a good teacher. The courses are
rigorous and demanding getting admission in
reputed colleges that offer these courses is a
Contact 91 8802753378, 8285761390
_at_ mgipdelhi _at_ mgipdelhi
3Kurukshetra University B.Ed Counseling 2014-15.
Kurukshetra University(KUK) offers a one year
B.Ed course. To facilitate students who aspire to
qualify from KUK, there are centres in different
places that offer guidance in the matter. KUK
B.Ed guidance and counseling in Delhi is done
though some institutions that offer all details
from preliminary stages like downloading
application/applying online, fee structure,
course details, a list of colleges in order of
ranking, listing of affiliated colleges as also
deadlines for submission of applications. These
centres also provide information relating to
exams and results for various colleges making an
applicants life easy. There is no more running
from pillar to post seeking information on
deadlines for submissions or relying on word of
mouth recommendation in choosing colleges. These
professionally run guidance centres collate
information that has been collected from
different sources and provide it on a platter to
the potential candidates. For a student who say,
lives in Delhi and aspires to a B.Ed from a
college affiliated to KUK, and who seeks to weigh
his choices based on the colleges reputation,
fee structure, the teachers, and even perhaps a
future job such an institution is a boon.
Contact 91 8802753378, 8285761390
_at_mgipdelhi _at_ mgipdelhi
4Kurukshetra University B.Ed Counseling 2014-15.
Counseling by professionals who have years of
experience in the field means that a B.Ed
aspirant will not end up regretting the choices
he/she makes later in the day. So go ahead and
make the right choice by getting the right advice.
Contact 91 8802753378, 8285761390
_at_mgipdelhi _at_ mgipdelhi