Title: Millionaire Mindset
1Developing a Millionaire Mindset
2- The Professional Investors Guild is a club that
is focused on teaching its members how to create
long-term wealth, protect their assets, and
create passive income, primarily through real
estate. We provide education, resources, and
one-on-one mentoring to help investors achieve
their goals, whether they are a brand new
investor or a seasoned professional. - Our clubs philosophy is that we should not
depend on the government to secure our future,
but rather we should depend on ourselves. In a
time of uncertainty, where job "security" is a
thing of the past, it's imperative that we create
our own success through both disciplined and
creative investing techniques.
3 Professional Investors GUILD
- Guild An association of artisans who control
the practice of their craft in a particular city.
Members of a guild would seek to enhance the
flow of trade to their self-employed members, and
met regularly to share ideas, secrets and new
technologies regarding their common craft.
4- U.S. Foreclosure filings down 37 in November
from 2012, 15 from Oct. -
5- U.S. Foreclosure filings down 37 in November
from 2012, 15 from Oct. - 9.3 Million Properties are Deeply Underwater,
which is 19 of mortgages, down from 10.7
million. -
6- U.S. Foreclosure filings down 37 in November
from 2012, 15 from Oct. - 9.3 Million Properties are Deeply Underwater,
which is 19 of mortgages, down from 10.7
million. - Pensacolas Latest Dubious HonorLucky 13 of
RealtyTracs Cities Where Foreclosures are a BIG
Problem -
7Developing a Millionaire Mindset
8Developing a Millionaire Mindset
- As A Man Thinks in His Heart, So Is He
- -Proverbs 237
9Developing a Millionaire Mindset
- Millionaires Nillionaires
- Nil Zero (noun) or Non-Existent (adjective)
- Synonyms Nothing, None, Zip, Naught, Zilch
10Millionaires NillionairesOn Responsibility
- Millionaires Take Responsibility for their
ActionsNillionaires Blame Others or Bad Luck for
their Situation
11Millionaires NillionairesOn Responsibility
12Millionaires NillionairesOn Responsibility
13Millionaires NillionairesOn Responsibility
- Decisions Determine Your Destiny
- You are where you are in life because of YOUR
14Millionaires NillionairesOn Work
- Millionaires Work THROUGH the WeekendNillionaires
Work FOR the Weekend
15Developing a Millionaire Mindset
- Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesnt Work
as Hard. - -Tim Notke
16Millionaires NillionairesOn Promotion
- Millionaires Market Incessantly
(ABP)Nillionaires Dont Want to Bother People
or Seem too Sales-y
17Millionaires NillionairesOn Delegation
- Millionaires Understand the Importance of
Outsourcing Nillionaires Try and Do it All (and
End up Doing Nothing)
18Millionaires NillionairesOn Money
- Millionaires Understand the Importance of
Investing in their BusinessNillionaires Spend
Everything they Earn (and
then some!)
19Millionaires NillionairesOn Money
- Rule of 70-10-10-10
- 1st 10 - GIVE it away!
- 10 - SAVE it!
- 10 - BLOW it!
- 70 - Reinvest it in Your Business!
20Millionaires NillionairesOn Goals
- Millionaires Set Smart Goals WRITE THEM DOWN!!!
- Nillionaires Fail to Planwhich is inevitably a
Plan to Fail.
21S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
- Nobody ever wrote down a plan to be broke, fat,
lazy or stupid. Those things are what happen when
you dont have a plan. - -Larry Winget
22S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
- Give me a stock clerk with a goal, and I will
give you a man who will make history. Give me a
man without a goal, and I will give you a stock
clerk. - -J.C. Penney
23S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting
- S Specific
- M Measurable
- A Attainable
- R Relevant
- T Time-Limit
24Millionaires NillionairesOn Failure
- Millionaires Embrace Failure Grow From
ItNillionaires FEAR Failure, and Allow it to
Paralyze Them.