Title: At-one-ment - Surya Das Controversy
- This is the high holy day season where I came
from. At-one-ment is an excellent way to turn the
ship around and start afresh, every annum, every
day and every moment. - I invite you to acknowledge your transgressions,
make amends where possible, and at-one as well.
This is the antidote to guilt and denial. I have
wronged people, and I am sorry. I have finally
felt a drop of heartfelt compassion, now that
Ive crossed the sixty yard line of life.
At-one-ment Posted By Lama Surya Das
2I myself aspire to be the Bodhisattva of
Children, of all the weak and little ones, the
under-dog and the marginalized, the sick, the
weak, the halt, the mute, the traveler, the
unseen, unheard and excluded. I am the
BodhisattvaBear and Protectress of all the
children. Of all those who are still selfing and
striving to grow up to be someone, until the
selfless Self reigns ascendant. When they see
through themselves and their bubble-like confines
of egotism, autonomy within interdependence will
be realized and achieved and theyll rule their
world through self-mastery rather than attachment
and expectation, force and willful
domination. The main religion in this world, as
far as I can tell, is control-freakism. Its in
ones higher self-interest to let go a little and
let be, to stop gripping so tight to that which
in any case is slipping through our fingers. It
took a faux heart attack last autumn, but I
myself have finally given up, surrendered to my
higher inner power, and what a relief! released
the project Ive been perpetrating for so long.
Now I can just be and love freely. Love is a
verb, and love is found through loving. Wont you
join in, friends? I looove you. Once upon a
time I was no more. Though it lasted not, one
must live as if it were true. I am a word, and
the word is with, and the word is was. To more
details regarding the Lama Surya Das, visit here
at http//www.huffingtonpost.com/lama-surya-das/