Title: Revocable Living Trusts
1Revocable Living Trusts IN FLORIDA
Essential Concepts, Questions And Answers
2Revocable Living Trusts
3What is a revocable living trust?
4A revocable living trust is a special kind of
trust that most people include in their estate
5These trusts allow your estate TO AVOID PROBATE
7Why do I want to avoid probate?
8If your property has to go through probate, a
Florida court will have to supervise the process
through which your heirs receive their
9This process can often take months, or even
years, and can cost a lot of money
10Trust Operation
11How does a living trust work?
12When you create a living trust you effectively
create a legal entity separate from yourself
13The living trust can own property and survive
your death
14When you create your living trust you can direct
how it should distribute the property it owns
after youre gone, effectively allowing you to
pass inheritances outside of probate
15Trust Creation
16How do I create a revocable living trust?
17You create a trust by creating a document,
called a trust instrument, that includes
specific information
18You will also have to ensure that you transfer
your property into the trusts name, a process
known as funding
19Learn More About Living Trusts In Florida
20Robert J Kulas, PA Attorneys at Law
(772) 398-0720