Title: Fabian Samuel of Bangalore
1Fabian Samuel of Bangalore Botanical Extract
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore is an instrumental
part of the Indfrag team. As an Indfrag director,
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore works hard to develop
new and exciting ways to help people lose weight.
Indfrag products are organic and proven to help
people lose naturally lose weight. Fabian Samuel
of Bangalore has become a valuable team member
and has been a key contributor to the Garcinia
Cambogia patent process.
2Fabian Samuel of Bangalore an Honored Employee
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore is often recognized
for his hard work and commitment to excellence.
As an employee of Indfrag, Fabian Samuel of
Bangalore has proven time and again to be a great
team player. He is the recipient of the Indfrag
Employee of the Year award, earning this
prestigious honor every year from 2005 to 2009.
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore has served his company
for over a decade.
3Fabian Samuel of Bangalore Well-Educated
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore knows the value of a
great education. As a professional businessman,
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore has used his education
to build a successful business career. He holds a
Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer
Science, as well as a Master of Science degree in
Information Systems. Fabian Samuel of Bangalore
is proof that a quality education is essential to
career success.
4Fabian Samuel of Bangalore Has Strong Faith
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore has a strong faith in
God. He is a lifelong Christian that takes his
faith seriously. Fabian Samuel of Bangalore
exhibits a passion for Christianity and is
committed to sharing his faith with others.
Fabian Samuel of Bangalore relies on his faith
for guidance in both good and bad times. Fabian
Samuel of Bangalore performs much charitable work
through faith-based organizations.
5Thanks You