Title: Dog Training Collars: Operating and Using Pinch Collars
1Dog Training Collars Operating and Using Pinch
2Pinch collars, otherwise known as prong dog
training collars, is a type of training device
used while a dog is on a leash. These collars are
not permitted during many dog shows or sporting
competitions because of the controversy
surrounding their use.
3They look like they will hurt the dog, but they
can be safe and effective when properly used. If
you intend to use a pinch collar, learn to use
one properly for training, so you will not misuse
it and potentially end up causing injury or pain
to your dog.
4Operating the Dog Training Collars
1. Grab the swivel attachment where the leash
connects to the pinch collar, and allow the
collar hang loosely. More Info Here.
52. Pinch the link located at the center where
the collar hangs down until it opens. The link is
exactly opposite from the swivel attachment that
you are holding.
63. Wrap the collar around the neck of your dog,
and pinch the open link back into place. Attach
the leash to the swivel, and position it at the
back of the neck of your dog just behind the
ears. If the collar will not sit in this
position, take out a few links ad pinch it back
74. Put the second collar around the neck of
your dog for safety. Pinch dog training collars
are made up of links, and it is possible for the
links to separate. Use the second collar as a
backup so that your dog does not escape.
8Training with Dog Training Collars
1. Walk your dog the usual way by the leash.
Give your dog gentle guidance pulls on the leash.
The pinch dog training collar will effectively
send your commands to your dog by applying
pressure around the neck, which is similar to
that of a horses bit.
92. Correct your dog using sharp pops or yanks
of the leash if he is doing something that he
should not be doing, like barking or lunging at
strangers or other dogs. be careful that you not
pull with all of strength. Rather, pull back
until your dog responds.
103. Teach your dog to sit with a prong collar by
pulling up and back on the leash. The message
will be sent to your dog to stop moving as you
pull up on the leash and to sit when you pull
11If you intend to use a pinch collar, learn to use
one properly for training, so you will not misuse
it and potentially end up causing injury or pain
to your dog.
- For more info, please visit our website at