Title: Brainvire Facebook Connect
1Face book Connect User Guide
2Table of Contents
Facebook Connect User Guide ....................
...................1 Table of Contents
............2 1. Overview.........................
2. Features.......................................
...................................4 3. Facebook
Connect Configuration ............................
.......5 5. Face book Like Button.................
31. Overview
Facebook Connect Extension for Magento The
Facebook Connect Magento Extension allows user to
login and connect to your store by simply logging
into their Facebook account. You can configure
the Facebook Link Extension Module with the
Facebook account of a customer so that if he/she
logins into their Facebook account and make a
purchase, a post is automatically left on the
customers Facebook wall when they complete an
order. Overview - The Magneto Facebook
Connect Extension allows the customer to login
into your store by using their Facebook account
which is fast, reliable and secure. Could you
imagine how many customers you can attract and
boost your sale? Magneto Facebook Connect
is definitely for you to trace back the customer
preference and advertise your store. - The
Facebook Link Magneto module enables Posts like
I have just purchased this great stuff at (your
store link) which would automatically be
displayed on the wall when the order is complete.
Facebook is certainly a new way to reach out to
millions of users worldwide and helps you to
promote your products giving it a distinct
competitive edge over your competitors. So create
your Facebook presence now, attract maximum
traffic and advertise your store name, product
list etc. by using our Facebook Connect Magneto
42. Features
- Apart from allowing the user to login from
their Facebook account, Magneto Facebook Connect
has more features which are listed below
Features for Website Visitors
- Transaction Privacy Customers have the choice
of not displaying their purchase details on their
Facebook Wall. They can opt for the store access
to their wall the first time they login into
their Facebook account and if the access is
granted all further purchases will be reflected
on the wall automatically. - Like Button The
Like button helps the visitor to share your
content with their friends on Facebook. When
the user clicks on the Like button a story
appears in the users friends News Feed with
a link back to your website. - Send Button
Along with Like button, Send button can also be
displayed which allows the user to send the
URL in a message to Facebook friends, to the
walls of Facebook groups or as an email to an
5Features for Store Admin
- Brand promotion of your products on a global
platform - User-friendly interface - Automatic
updates - Custom wall post template and custom
action link template - Easy installation - Free
To know more about our Magento Facebook Connect
email us today at info_at_brainvire.com or call us
at 1.631.897.7276.
63. Facebook Connect Configuration
74. Display Face book Login Button/Like Button.