Title: Ganja Juice - Electronic Cigarettes
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Electronic E Cigarettes - Ganja-juice.com
2Electronic Cigarettes
- Electronic Cigarette has now revolutionized the
world of cigarette smoking. Many smokers around
the world have switched in this healthy
alternative way of enjoying a good smoke.
E-cigarette is an electronic compact device that
vaporizes solutions for pleasurable smoking
experience. This is now the current trend and now
a huge industry. A totally new lifestyle for a
new breed of innovative smokers who are now
craving awesome e juice flavors gearing away from
conventional cigarettes to avoid harmful effects
while satisfying their pleasure. Switch to a new
pleasurable lifestyle and choose among the very
best e cigarettes only from Ganja! Your perfect
vapor device that will go well with your ecig
The ELIPS Pen e-cigarette is a very reliable
electronic vaporizer device that can accommodate
dry or waxy substances. This portable ecig
all-in-one gadget is very easy to use and handy
for vaporizing dry herbs and great for nicotine
drips. The ELIPS e-cig pen works well with a
dropper for your convenience.
4JoyTech eVic
eVic is a milestone, a turning point, and a new
development direction of vapor intelligent
electronic cigarette battery.
5Ego C Twist E Cigarette
The Ego C Twist E-Cigarette is the best
electronic cigarette device for beginners on the
market today. Innovatively designed for maximum
vapor smoking through the adjustable voltage
regulator that you can easily rotate for the
desired proper voltage needed for ultimate vapor
and maximum burn. A totally unique feature that
is very practical and cost efficient great for
your convenient ejuice smoking pleasure.
6iTaste MVP
Main FeaturesVariable Voltage voltage can be
adjusted from 3.3 5.0 volts in .1 volt
increments.VariableWattage Wattage can be
adjusted from 6.0 11.0 W in .5 watts
increments. Read more about iTaste MVP
e-cigarette at Ganja-juice.com