Title: How To Stay Organized in Case of an Emergency
1Professional Organizer Brenda Martinson
- How to Stay Organized in Case of an Emergency
For more information click Professional
Organizer San Diego or Please contact Brenda
Martinson Office Phone 760-476-0685 Cell Phone
760-420-5222 or E-mail brenda_at_sdpersonalservices.
2Organize and inventory your personal documents
- Make sure you have all your important identity
information, credit cards, passwords, etc. is in
one place. Have contact information and websites
listed, as well.
- I recommend creating an excel spreadsheet of
information to include - Bank Information
- Credit Cards
- Health Information
- Insurance policies
- Investments
- Location of Important Documents, such as
marriage, birth, driver's license. Make sure
important documents such as drivers licenses and
proof of insurance are up-to-date.
3Discard Unneeded Documentation That Contains Your
Private Identification and That of Your Family
- Think of items you no longer need e.g., old tax
returns, college records or financial documents.
- DID YOU KNOW Identity Theft thieves can steal
your identity from documents you throw away in
the trash. Carefully discarding unneeded records
can help reduce the risk of identity theft.
4Run a Credit Report
- Thoroughly read it for any errors and work to
correct them. You can run a credit report free,
once a year through - www.annualcreditreport.com
- In lieu of the recent Target credit/debit card
theft, make sure you have a reliable identity
theft and monitoring service.
5Shred ALL Information With Your Personal Identity
- I cannot express the importance in doing this.
Make sure you use a criss-cross shredder. If you
don't have a shredder, invest in one today.
- Remember Plan for your emergency today---before
it happens. It will give you peace of mind.
For more information, click Professional
Organizer San Diego or Please contact Brenda
Martinson Office Phone 760-476-0685 Cell Phone
760-420-5222 or E-mail brenda_at_sdpersonalservices.c