Title: HPA SPACES Outdoor Media Advertising
117 Years 1700 Campaigns 1200 Product
Launches 350 In-Film Brandings 1500 Event
Sponsorships Barter Deals Rotational Plans
Online and PR Support Constant Innovation
24X7 Service Support.
Billboards are probably among the most ancient
form of advertising known to man that continues
to grow from strength to strength. Global
Advertisers have developed an understanding of
billboards over the last 17 years that helps them
give the most effective outdoor media strategies
to clients that use billboards as an important
medium in their media mix. Global recognizes
that billboards are becoming increasingly more
impactful as more and more people step out for
recreation, commuting and leisure. With the
increase in eyeballs, billboards are certain to
emerge as a key medium in most media
plans. Billboards are even more effective in a
city of high rises like Mumbai because the high
density of population increases eyeball count
substantially. Global has the most to offer in
billboards in Mumbai because it owns the most
premium billboard sites in the Mumbai
Metropolitan Region. From outdoor media planning
to post-campaign support, trust Indias smartest
outdoor advertising agency Global Advertisers!
Rotational Plans Barter Deals Equity Deals
Easy Payment Terms Amit Gupta 98207 97773
3HPA Spaces - Campaign Executed by Global
Advertisers (Oct13)
Rotational Plans Barter Deals Equity Deals
Easy Payment Terms Amit Gupta 98207 97773
4HPA Spaces - Campaign Executed by Global
Advertisers (Oct13)
Rotational Plans Barter Deals Equity Deals
Easy Payment Terms Amit Gupta 98207 97773
5HPA Spaces - Campaign Executed by Global
Advertisers (Oct13)
Rotational Plans Barter Deals Equity Deals
Easy Payment Terms Amit Gupta 98207 97773
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