Title: Abacus-Manufacturer
Master Abacus Supplier
25 Rod Display Abacus
5 Rod Display Abacus We are engaged in manufacturing and exporting a wide range of teacher abacus with colored beads, frames and in different weight and size combination. A Master Abacus or A Teacher Abacus is a large sized Abacus similar to of a Student Abacus but can be used ways either i.e. vertically or horizontally on a table. Abacus Classes is a group of students meeting the Abacus Teacher at a regular interval for learning the techniques of Abacus Math for Fast and Accurate Mental Math. Abacus Teacher use various aids for teaching kids like Master Abacus, Teacher Abacus, Flash Cards, Fingering theory Abacus to train and teach them Abacus operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplications, Division etc. A Master Abacus and Teacher Abacus is one of the main tools used by the Abacus Teachers to brain train Abacus Students for showing and displaying the Abacus Math methods in an Abacus Math Classroom Activity. Children learning Abacus find it easy and practical to understand the methods while the Abacus Teacher show them it on Master Abacus and Teacher Abacus.
Specification Value
Weight 1.4 Kg
Length 330 mm
Height 330 mm
36 Rod Display Abacus
6 Rod Display Abacus We are engaged in manufacturing and exporting a wide range of teacher abacus with colored beads, frames and in different weight and size combination. We manufacture, supply and distribute super specialty Master Abacus, Teacher Abacus used as Display Abacus for teaching kids the wonderful techniques of Abacus Arithmetic Operation for Abacus Math Classes. The size is suitable to handle classroom of upto 18 kids/children. Our specially designed Master Abacus / Teacher Abacus is a jewellery for an Abacus Teacher. Our designed masterpiece brings grace to your classroom and teacher presentations etc.
47 Rod Display Abacus
7 Rod Display Abacus With Bag
Specification Value
Weight 1.6 Kg
Length 422 mm
Height 324 mm
7 Rod Display Abacus With Stand
Specification Value
Weight 3.6 Kg
Length 422 mm
Height 324 mm
510 Rod Master Abacus 10 Rod Master Abacus
Teacher Abacus A Master Abacus or A Teacher Abacus is a large sized Abacus similar to of a Student Abacus but can be used either ways i.e. vertically or horizontally on a table. Abacus Classes is a group of students meeting the Abacus Teacher at a regular interval for learning the techniques of Abacus Math for Fast and Accurate Mental Math. Abacus Teacher use various aids for teaching kids like Master Abacus, Teacher Abacus, Flash Cards, Fingered Abacus to train and teach them Abacus operations of Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division etc. Master Abacus and Teacher Abacus is one of the main tools used by the Abacus Teachers to brain train Abacus Students for showing and displaying the Abacus Math methods in an Abacus Math Classroom Activity. Children learning Abacus find it easy and practical to understand the methods while the Abacus Teacher show them it on Master Abacus and Teacher Abacus. We Manufacture, supply and distribute super specialty Master Abacus, Teacher Abacus used as Display Abacus for teaching kids the wonderful techniques of Abacus Arithmetic Operation for Abacus Math Classes. 10 Rod Abacus
Specification Value
Weight 2.4 Kg
Length 679 mm
Height 319 mm
611 Rod Master Abacus 11 Rod Master Abacus
11 Rod This Master Abacus is framed in Acrylic material for better finish and long-terms use compared to a wood based abacus. Its natural colour never fades with time keeping it new all the time of use. No trouble of regular expensive polishing. Its shape and size makes it presentable and right choice for the needs.
Specification Value
Weight 2.7 Kg
Length 729 mm
Height 319 mm
713 Rod Display Abacus
13 Rod Black Display Abacus with Bag This Master Abacus is framed in Acrylic material for better finish and long-terms use compared to a wood based abacus. Its natural colour never fades with time keeping it new all the time of use. No trouble of regular expensive polishing. Its shape and size makes it presentable and right choice for the needs.
Specification Value
Weight 2.7 Kg
Length 729 mm
Height 319 mm
813 Rod Display Abacus
13 Rod Yellow Display Abacus with Bag This Master Abacus is framed in Acrylic material for better finish and long-terms use compared to a wood based abacus. Its natural colour never fades with time keeping it new all the time of use. No trouble of regular expensive polishing. Its shape and size makes it presentable and right choice for the needs.
Specification Value
Weight 2.7 Kg
Length 729 mm
Height 319 mm
917 Rod Display Abacus 17 Rod Display Abacus
17 Rod Display Abacus It is a great modal and design, which can be used as gift or a memento at many occasions. Many of small kids love to work on this kind of an abacus due its large sized beads for better visibility and ease of operation.
Specification Value
Weight 3.5 Kg
Length 948 mm
Height 333 mm
1021 Rod Display Abacus
21 Rod Display Abacus This large sized Teacher Abacus is one of the main tools used by the Abacus Teachers to brain train Abacus Students for showing and displaying the Abacus calculation methods in an Abacus Classroom Activity. Children learning Abacus find it easy and practical to understand the methods while the Abacus Teacher show them it on Master Abacus and Teacher Abacus.
Specification Value
Weight 3.5 Kg
Length 948 mm
Height 333 mm
117 Rods Multi Color Abacus
7 Rods Multi Colour Teacher Abacus Owing to our immense experience, we have been successful in catering to the requirements of our esteemed clients by offering quality 7 Rods Multi Color Teacher Abacus. The offered range is available in different customized forms with respect to the emerging requirements of the customers. Along with this, these products are applauded for their long lasting nature, environment friendly and superb finish. Client can avail these abacus at market competitive rates. 7 Rods Multi-Colour Beads Abacus With thorough industry knowledge, we are engaged in manufacturing and exporting a wide range of 7 Rods Teacher Abacus With Multi Color Beads. The offered range is available in varied specifications and colors in accordance with the emerging requirements of the clients. This range is known for its usage in teaching counting, colors, arithmetic and hand wrist movement
Specification Value
Weight 1.6 Kg
Length 422 mm
Height 324 mm
127 Rods Multi-Colour Beads Abacus
13Marketing Office New No. 25, Old No.9, Chari
Street,North Usman Road,T.Nagar, Chennai -
600017,Tamilnadu, India. Email
alagappan_sk_at_yahoo.com, info_at_jvindians.com Phone
044-42071815 Tele Fax 044-42071815 Cell
(91) - 098410 23115/7299923115