Title: LVA 6.50
1LVA 6.50http//www.familylawyermagazine.com/arti
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3Overview of Fraud Detection machinery
- These machine are referred as systems, which
are primarily used for recognition of swindles
via checking of information at POS i.e. point of
sale. Alternatively, they are also used systems
are used via sifting with the help of transaction
data in one bid for some of the uncovering
nefarious activity patterns.
4Function of Visualization
The task of visualization is associated with
plotting of transaction data in graphs and
tables. The main objective behind the
visualization process is to put a restriction on
different deceitful activities either in visual
manner or with the filtration process by using
different types of mathematical
algorithms. Based on the identification of
basic sensations and invention of layered voice
analysis, Amir Liberman and his company of
Nemesysco Limited has invented LVA 6.50 Fraud
detector systems used for identification of
visitors visiting the company.