Title: Dr. Paymen Laghaee Offers Effective Chiropractic Services
1Dr. Peyman Laghaee
Offering Effective Chiropractic Services in
Tustin, California Call at (714) 543-8048 or
Visit 1125 E 17th St Santa Ana, CA
2Dr. Peyman Laghaee A Reputed Chiropractor
Dr. Paymen Laghaee is a reputed Chiropractor in
Tustin, California, with over fourteen years of
professional experience. His clinic features
avant-garde diagnostic tools, latest equipments,
and top-class machines to provide patients with
the best Chiropractic care. In his office, he
performs diversified Chiropractic adjusting
techniques, physiotherapy, and soft tissue
massage. In addition to these, he also offers
nutritional consultation to help people maintain
optimal health. He believes that it is important
to treat not only the symptoms but the root cause
of the problem. Hence, after determining the main
causes of the symptoms, he offers the best
possible treatment to eliminate them through
effective and gentle drug-free practices.
3Dr. Peyman Laghaee Offering Reliable Chiropractic
Besides offering reliable Chiropractic services,
Dr. Paymen Laghaee educates his patients about
how they can improve the quality of their life
through some simple lifestyle changes. He
suggests them to eat healthy, exercise regularly,
stay away from junk food, and alter their
sleeping habits. His useful advice and
suggestions has helped a multitude of his
patients to improve their health and lead a
happier life.
4Peyman Laghaee A Warm Gentle Person
Paymen Laghaee comes from a family of six and is
extremely cordial. His warm and friendly behavior
allows his patients to comfortably discuss their
issues and thus, he is able to develop strong
relationships with them. As a person he is very
kind hearted and has treated numerous patients
for free if they could not afford to pay.
5 Dr. Peyman Laghaee A Social Man Besides, he
is a complete family man and loves spending time
with his loved ones whenever he is free. His
favorite activities that keep him occupied and
entertained whenever he gets time out of his busy
schedule are soccer and pool. He also likes
attending educational seminars and contributes to
various charitable organizations such as The
Bahai Faith, Salvation Army, Red Cross, and many
6Thank You !