Title: Special Needs Trusts: The Basics
The Basics
2- A TRUST is an estate planning tool that allows
you to set aside money and other assets for a
beneficiary for a particular purpose
3The TRUSTEE you select to hold and manage that
property will be responsible for making certain
that the terms of the trust are fulfilled
4Trusts are a vital tool in estate planning
5This is especially true when the future needs of
a disabled individual are at issue
6- A Special Needs Trust is a particular type of
trust meant just for that purpose providing
future care for someone who is disabled
7When the caregiver of a disabled individual is
no longer capable of caring for that person,
the trust will provide the assets necessary to
continue care
8- A Special Needs Trust is irrevocable (cannot be
canceled) and the assets in the trust are
protected from lawsuits and creditors
9A Special Needs Trust also protects the funds so
they do not count as financial assets for
eligibility purposes when applying for government
10Two Basic Types of Special Needs Trusts
11- There are two types of
- Special Needs Trusts
A General Support Special Needs Trust is seen as
the primary source of benefits for the disabled
- A Supplemental Care Special Needs Trust, which is
the most common type, is a secondary source of
benefits after government benefits are exhausted
14What Needs Are Covered?
- is a comprehensive term that includes medical and
health-care services as well as - a wide variety of related services that increase
the beneficiarys quality of life
16All of these options can be tailored to the needs
and circumstances of each intended beneficiary
17- When the beneficiarys medical needs are provided
for, the Special Needs Trust can also provide
additional services, such as assistance with
daily living activities
18Providing respite care for the primary caregiver,
is also an important consideration
19The trust assets can pay for living arrangements
or renovations needed to the beneficiarys home
20Types of Special Needs Trusts
21- Determining the appropriate type of Special Needs
Trust requires consideration of many factors such
as - to whom the assets belong and whether they are
likely to cover the full cost of support and care
for the beneficiary
to whom the assets belong
whether they are likely to cover the full cost of
support and care for the beneficiary
22General Support vs. Supplement Care
23- If the assets and resources will
- likely be sufficient,
- then a General Support Special Needs Trust may be
the right choice
24Otherwise, if need-based government programs will
play a critical role in funding the beneficiarys
care, then a Supplemental Care Special Needs
Trust may be the appropriate solution
25How Is A Special Needs Trust Established?
26- A Special Needs Trust can be created during the
lifetime of the caregiver or through the last
will and testament
27The trust becomes effective when it is signed
and notarized
28A tax identification number must be obtained
from the IRS and then a bank account will be
opened with a minimum deposit
29At that point the trust can be funded through a
variety of estate planning tools
30- Usually, the GRANTOR (the person executing the
trust document) - names himself or herself as TRUSTEE
31Another person should also be named as the
successor trustee to take over the trust if the
initial trustee dies, becomes incapacitated or
32- Anyone who acts as the trustee is legally bound
to follow the terms of the trust document and use
the property only for the benefit of the person
with special needs, as identified in the terms of
the trust
33Learn More About Special Needs Trusts in
Fayetteville Arkansas
34Click to visit arkansas-estateplanning.com