Title: MEC Coal Press Release - Establishment of Batik Gallery
1MEC Holdings Supports Establishment of Batik
Madhu Koneru Executive Vice Chairman
2MEC Holdings Supports Establishment of Batik
Jakarta, October 2 2010 MEC Holdings, a
minerals, energy and commodities group is the
main sponsor of a new Batik Gallery at the
Jakarta Textile Museum. Established by Yayasan
Batik Indonesia, the gallery was inaugurated on
the National Batik Day on October 2nd by Minister
of Culture and Tourism of the Republic of
Indonesia Jero Wacik. The gallery aims to develop
and preserve batik as an Indonesian national
cultural heritage. "Our goal is to display the
best batik Indonesia has to offer so it can be
enjoyed by the public and preserved for future
generations, said chairwoman of Yayasan Batik
Indonesia Ibu Jultin Ginanjar Kartasasmita. The
Batik Gallery occupies one building at Textile
Museum of Jakarta and contains nine rooms. The
exhibited batiks showcase variations in
techniques and styles from Indonesias batik
producing regions such as Cirebon, Garut,
Tasikmalaya, Solo, Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Lasem,
Madura and Sumatra.
3MEC Holdings Supports Establishment of Batik
Batik illustrates Indonesias rich cultural
heritage, and is an art form that is recognized
throughout the world as distinctly Indonesian. As
a multinational company operating in Indonesia we
have a wider social responsibility which includes
the support of culture and arts, said MEC
Holdings Head of Corporate Communications
Mashael Al Naimi. Initiatives to preserve
Indonesias cultural heritage need private sector
support. We are therefore grateful for MEC
Holdings sponsorship of the Batik Gallery, said
Ibu Okke Hatta Rajasa, Chair of Indonesian
Cabinet Wives Solidarity (SIKIB) said The Batik
Gallery at the Jakarta Textile Museum will be
open for the public every day from 9 am to 3 pm,
except Mondays and public holidays.
4MEC Holdings Supports Establishment of Batik