Title: Liposuction in Sydney and Frequently Asked Questions
1Liposuction in Sydney and Frequently Asked
2- Liposuction can benefit both men and women. In
men, fat often accumulates along the belt-line as
love handles. Women, on the other hand, are
more likely to develop excess fat on the hips,
inner thighs, buttocks and abdomen. Other common
sites include the neck, arms, knees, calves and
ankles. At Silkwood Medical in Bondi Junction, in
Sydney, we offer body contouring and liposuction
techniques for these common problem areas.
3The Liposuction Procedure
- Liposuction varies from the removal of small,
localised fat deposits to lipectomy of large
areas. Your surgeon will evaluate your body and
discuss with you the techniques available. With
all forms of liposuction a vacuum pump sucks out
unwanted fat via a thin metal tube from an area
of localised body fat, leaving a flattened area.
Suction assisted lipectomy may be performed under
general or local anaesthesia with sedation
depending on the extent of the body contouring
procedure and your requests. Scars are avoided by
working through small incisions in your natural
skin folds.
4Recovery from Liposuction Body Contouring
- The extent of the procedure and speed of your
recovery depends on the number of treated areas
and the amount of fat removed. Bruising can last
from one to three weeks and swelling can persist
for one to two months. A compression garment is
usually worn for two to six weeks after body
contouring surgery.
5Frequently Asked Questions for Liposuction
- Liposuction has become the most common procedure
performed by cosmetic plastic surgeons. It has
helped thousands of men and women eliminate
unwanted fat and achieve body proportions in
harmony with their overall build. However,
liposuction is not a substitute for weight
reduction, but a method of removing localised fat
that is resistant to dieting and exercise.
6What is the largest volume that can possibly be
removed by liposuction?
- It used to be considered that removing three
litres was a large volume of liposuction.
However, over the years with various developments
in improving the safety of liposuction, it is now
possible to remove up to 10 litres without any
changes in the safety of the procedure when
performed by a trained cosmetic plastic surgeon
in conjunction with an experienced anaesthetist.
In certain circumstances, with strict attention
to safeguards, large volumes up to 15 litres can
be removed. However, liposuction and body
contouring is not a substitute for a healthy diet
and exercise, so this is only done in very rare
7What is the difference between liposuction and
- Nothing, Liposculpture is a made-up word used to
suggest attention to detail and concern with
relative shapes and overall body proportion on
the part of the surgeon. Every single form of
liposuction has in common the administration of a
wetting solution, an incision and suction of fat
through a metal tube attached to a vacuum.
8I have read about tumescent liposuction and the
improved shape possible from this. How do I know
if I am suitable for this?
- Tumescent liposuction (where the area to be
suctioned is filled so tight it is almost at
bursting point) involves the administration of
large volumes of local anaesthetic and fluid to
pump up the areas to be suctioned. There is no
evidence that tumescent liposuction is of any
benefit at all in terms of improved shape.
Tumescent liposuction is in fact very rarely used
as there appears to be no advantage over the
super wet or wet techniques of liposuction where
a slightly smaller volume of fluid containing
local anaesthetic is used to pump up the areas to
be suctioned.
9Is it possible to remove fat from my thighs by
liposuction and re-inject it into my breasts to
increase my breast size?
- The combination of small breasts and large thighs
is very common. It is a fond hope of many people
that the fat removed from their thighs in
liposuction could be used to augment their
breasts with their own tissue instead of using
breast implants. Over the years techniques have
been developed which can allow fat to be reliably
transfered to the breasts. However this procedure
is still controversial and the many pros and cons
need to be discussed with the individual. The
technical reason why the fat is unable to survive
when injected into the breast tissue is that the
breast consists largely of fat with a very poor
blood supply so that the injected fat is unable
to develop a new blood supply and therefore fades
10If I have liposuction in summer, how long is it
until Im able to go to the beach?
- Usually there is some bruising after body
contouring surgery and this varies with each
individual. In some cases where there is hardly
any bruising it would be possible to go swimming
and to the beach within seven to 10 days. However
it is more likely to be at least two to three
11Can people see the incisions used in liposuction?
- Incisions used by our surgeons in liposuction are
generally less than 5mm in length and we do try
to hide them in natural body creases. Generally
the incisions are so small they dont even need
stitches and are held closed with tape only. At
first the incisions are red but within two to
three weeks they usually resemble an old mosquito
bite. It often takes several months for the
colour to fade. It is highly unlikely that other
people would notice these incisions even at the
beach or in any close-up situation.
12What form of liposuction is best for removing
- Unfortunately, despite many claims, there is no
form of liposuction known to decrease cellulite.
13Is ultrasonic liposuction better?
- Ultrasonic liposuction has a place in the
practice of liposuction. All liposuction has as
its core infiltration of the area to be suctioned
with fluid containing local anaesthetic and a
blood vessel constrictor, an incision and removal
of fat via a thin metal tube attached to a
vacuum. The only difference with ultrasonic
liposuction is that the fat is initially
emulsified by high frequency sound waves. This
may be useful in the enlarged male breast
(gynaecomastia), in large volume liposuction for
the morbidly obese, in the upper back and upper
abdomen in women and in areas of repeat
liposuction. There appears to be no particular
advantage and indeed several outstanding
disadvantages to the use of ultrasonic
liposuction in the initial routine liposuction of
the vast majority of people.
14After liposuction, does the fat stay off? I have
heard that after liposuction the fat will go to
other areas of the body?
- As long as you maintain a normal diet and do not
rapidly gain kilograms it is exceedingly
difficult to put weight back onto areas that have
had liposuction. There is no evidence if you have
had liposuction of the thighs that if you gain
weight, it will all go to one unusual area such
as the neck or arms. Our surgeons have found that
after body contouring, usually any weight gain
will be relatively distributed throughout the
body beneath the skin, thereby avoiding any
bizarre contour changes.
15How long should you use compression garments
after liposuction?
- Recent studies have shown that the major benefit
of wearing compression garments after liposuction
is that patients feel more comfortable and
secure. There is very little evidence that the
garments will actually make any difference in
either the short or long term outcome of the
liposuction. Postoperative massage of the areas
that have been suctioned either by yourself or by
a trained massage therapist is far more likely to
be effective in diminishing swelling and
prompting the quickest return to your desired
body contour.
16Thank You