Title: Methods and Drawbacks to Various Opiate Treatments
1Methods and Drawbacks to Various Opiate Treatments
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2Methods and Drawbacks to Various Opiate
Treatments1. Go to Rehab2. Drug
Maintenance3. Cold Turkey4. Holistic Approach
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1. Go to Rehab
This would be like a short term residential
facilitynormally a 28 day or less that would
also include a detox at the start of it. It is
probably the highest level of care and treatment
that you can expect to get. All of the other
options are less intensive. Probably the only
way to do better than this is to follow it up
with long term treatment. Drawbacks It is
expensive. Results are not guaranteed. Success
rates are typically quite low.
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2. Drug Maintenance
This would be like using Methadone or Suboxone
(another synthetic opiate) to take every day so
that you do not relapse. In theory, this sounds
like the perfect treatment for opiates, but it
tends to not work so well in the real
world. Drawbacks This is expensive too, in most
cases. Subjective evidence by the author says
that it doesnt work real well in the long term.
Plus it creates another dependency.
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3. Cold Turkey
This would be like detoxing yourself at home on
the couch, and simply gutting it out. Some
people have actually had success with this
approach, but not many will succeed with
it. Drawbacks Typically doesnt work. Very
uncomfortable. Difficult to make any long term
life changes without taking real action.
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4. Holistic Approach
This would be like going to rehab and then using
an holistic approach to stay clean and maintain
sobriety after you leave. For example, you might
work on nutrition, focus on exercise, build
healthy relationships, seek emotional balance,
explore your spirituality, and so on. Doing this
correctly requires a massive effort and a real
drive for personal growth. Drawbacks No one
wants to do it. Taking massive action is hard
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