Title: 5 Characteristics of Holistic Treatment Centers
15 Characteristics of Holistic Treatment Centers
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25 Characteristics of Holistic Treatment
Centers1. Spiritual Growth2. Lose Bad
Habits3. Physical Health4. Emotional Balance5.
Social Growth
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1. Spiritual Growth
Seek spiritual growth, just as they would in
traditional treatment (traditional treatment
centers do not generally go much beyond spiritual
growth, in fact).
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2. Lose Bad Habits
Try to lose bad habits such as smoking
cigarettes. This is part of an overall push for
good health, which is a big part of the holistic
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3. Physical Health
Strive for physical health and well being
through better nutrition and physical fitness.
Exercise is a huge key to success in recovery
that no one wants to acknowledge because most
people are lazy. Those who exercise vigorously
and regularly are much more stable in their
recovery, and have better health too.
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4. Emotional Balance
Seek emotional balance. This can be done by
eliminating friends who are no good for you
anymore, and taking time to meditate and relax on
a regular basis.
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5. Social Growth
Seek social growth. This could mean connecting
with new people in recovery, or reaching out and
helping others in recovery.
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