Title: Learning Ballroom Dance Lessons with Different Options
1The ballroom of huntington
- Dance with the stars at The Ballroom of Huntington
2FREE introductory lesson!
Our Long Island, New York dance studio offers the
best dance instruction for all levels. Our
curriculum provides a solid foundation for
beginner students, as well as a challenge for the
more advanced dancers. Our highly trained dance
instructors teach you more than just dance steps.
You will acquire the skills needed to get you
dancing as soon as possible. Don't miss out on
any more social opportunities!
Call (631) 385-7271 or email Dance_at_BallroomOfHunti
Visit us at ballroomofhuntington.com
3Private Dance Classes - Long Island, New York
Private dance lessons are the easiest and surest
way to learn ballroom dancing. The attention of
your knowledgeable instructor at the Ballroom of
Huntington will help you reach your goal of
dancing well - whether for your social life, your
wedding, for competition, or just to have fun. We
provide you with highly qualified and successful
professional dancers who offer expert instruction
at our dance studio in Long Island.
Call (631) 385-7271 or email Dance_at_BallroomOfHunti
Visit us at ballroomofhuntington.com
4Group Dance Classes - Long Island, NY
Group dance lessons are a fun way to learn to
dance and meet new friends at the same time.
Group lessons are FREE for all students who take
private lessons with us. They are an excellent
way to try out different dances, and to practice
dancing the moves you learn in your own private
Call 631-385-7271 or email dance_at_ballroomofhunting
ton. com, for a Free Initial Dance Lesson!
Learning to dance is fun and easy at the Ballroom
of Huntington!
Visit us at ballroomofhuntington.com