Title: Roofing Sheet Manufacturer
1HIL Ltd is the best roofing solution, building
material providers, AAC block manufacturer, green
building material suppliers, Construction Blocks
Manufacturer , Wall Panel Manufacturer etc in
HIL Hyderabad Industries Ltd
2About us
HIL Ltd is best roofing sheet manufacturer in
India. It is the part of Prestigious C.K Birla
Group of corporation. It has been serving the
nation since 1946 with its magnificent building
materials and construction products such as green
building products, cladding materials, AAC
blocks, Charminar sheets, wall partition etc.
3Product and services
- Fibre Cement Sheet
- Charminar Newkor Fibre cement corrugated sheets
- Charminar E-Kor Corrugated Fibre cement sheets
- Malabar Roofing sheets
- Metal Roofing Sheets
- Charminar Skylight Roofing
- Aerocon panels
- Aerocon C-Boards
- Flex-O-Board
- Fibre Cement Boards
- Aerocon Blocks
- For more details of Products and services kindly
visit - http//hil.in/product-services.aspx?categoryid1
4Contact us
HIL Hyderabad Industries Ltd Sanatnagar,
Hyderabad Andhra .PradeshIndia-500018 Phone
91 40 30999000 Fax 91 40
23701227 / 23702400 Toll Free
1800-425-425-99 Website http//www.hil.in