Title: When would a Top shot need Online Reputation Management?
1When would a Top shot need Online Reputation
- Reputation Management for people sitting at the
helm of affairs is crucial since the organization
they are working for will be seen in good picture
only if they have a good reputation on the World
Wide Web. Managing your own reputation is not
that tough with the availability of online tools
and various reputation management companies out
there to manage your reputation. So when do these
CEO's, CFO's, CTO's or even Presidents, Vice
Presidents need reputation management? Well the
answer would be every time they are in public
glare. To cut a long story short reputation
management is a continuous, long term and
proactive. However there are instances when
reputation management becomes a necessity for top
bosses since they have a lot of aura to carry for
them individually along with the organization
they are associated with. -
- Given below are few instances that trigger a need
to carry out an aggressive online reputation
management campaign for top notch executives who
are revered in their particular domains. - Name is similar to another person who is
notorious - While checking your online reputation it is
pertinent to search for your name regularly on
the search engines.
2Chances are someone with a similar name has been
involved in a wrongdoing and its showing in the
top results. A top executive's name rings a bell
in the mind thus you need to make sure that such
results dont have an impact on your reputation.
You need to spend a few dollars on managing your
reputation for yourself. Wrong timing of
announcement of bonus Top executives receive
bonus and other incentives for their effort and
intelligence they put in to increase the profits
of the organization. The organizations reward
them in the form of bonus and incentives from
time to time. These bonuses and incentives are a
result of the hard work and consistency shown by
the executives from time to time. However it may
sometimes happen that the industry along with the
organization is going through a rough phase and
the announcement of the bonus has already been
made. This is sure enough going to show the
Executives in wrong perspective. They will be
shown as heartless men who are receiving fat pay
checks in times of layoffs and economic slowdown.
This is where the need for a Good Reputation
Management company is felt. Rants by former
employees Dissatisfied employees leaving the
organization are a big reason for online
reputation for top executives.
3Many of them have worked closely with these top
shots and may portray the management in a bad
shape. Truth or lies people believe them since
they have worked with the company and have inside
information. This kind of a situation where a
former employee has decided to take on the
previous organization's bosses calls for a
reputation management strategy for the whole
organization. Slandering techniques used by
competing companies Organizations that are in
direct competition to yours will use all methods
possible to tarnish your image in public since
this will create a situation in the market where
customers and prospective employees will think
before conducting business with you. You need to
be a step ahead from your competitors to make
sure that your business is not affected with
these types of campaigns. Its not that you need
to slander your competitors instead invest that
time and money in building your own reputation.
The company has done badly in terms of profits
4 The business environment is volatile. The
company may have earned profits in the yearend
balance sheet but questions will be raised for
the quarterly reports that have seen a decline in
the profits for the organization and the top
bosses will be blamed for the same. Its not
that easy to stay at the helm of affairs since
you need to manage many things at any given point
of time. However there are organizations like
Repfixers that will surely provide a breather for
top notch executives by managing their online
reputation while they are busy taking strategic
decisions for their respective organizations. To
know more about the method to Remove Negative
Links from the search engines feel free to
contact the author at http//repfixers.com Artic
le Resource http//repfixer.wordpress.com/2013/11