Title: A Study on Organizational Behavior
1A Study on Organizational Behavior -
Selaiman A. Noori Belal A. Kaifi
2Introduction to Organizational Behavior
- OB is a field of study devoted to identifying,
explaining, and finally - developing the behaviors of people both
individual and group within organizations. - The RED Analysis is deployed by researchers for
understanding issue related to organizational
behavior - The RED Analysis issues are
- R- Recognize
- E- Explain
- D- Develop
3Organization Systems Types
- The two basic types of organization systems are
closed and open. - The four Ps to understanding organizations as
4Results Revealed by the Study
- Female managers whave higher scores on becoming
influenced by group think. - Female employees contribute to team outcomes more
than male employees. - Female managers will have higher scores in
valuing communication with employees.
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Mason, OH Cengage Learning. 3. Maxwell, J.C.
(2010). Everyone Communicates Few Connect What
the Most Effective People Do Differently.
Nashville, TN Thomas Nelson. 4. Robbins, S.,
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