Title: Proofessional Counselling & Coaching Services - Specialties
1info_at_counsellingservice.com.au www.counsellingserv
2- Contents
- Specialties
- Personal Counselling
- Contact
3- Specialties
- Our counselling and psychology service
specialises in helping and assisting you through
any kind of Personal and Relationship counselling
points, including - Personal Counselling,
- Relationship Counselling,
- Mental Health Issues, including
- Depression
- Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Phobias
4Personal Counselling We all get stuck
occasionally and we all feel and experience
tension and stress at various times. Personal
Counselling is very beneficial and helpful for us
when we feel stuck, troubled, tense, frightened,
stressed, or unsure of ourselves.
5- Our Counsellors and Psychologists provide you
with a safe, warm environment in which you can
discuss you issues and problems and feel safety
and security - People who seek counselling are often feeling
vulnerable or confused so expressing their
concerns in a safe and secure environment is very
6- Within this safe and secure environment we will
help you work through your issues or problems and
together we will achieve a positive outcome for
you. - Our Counsellors and Psychologists will help you
learn to create more efficient strategies and
plans for your future. They will help you achieve
a more pleasant, more beneficial outcome.
7Contact Proofessional Counselling Coaching
Services Auchenflower Clinic, 15 Munro
St Brisbane, Queensland 4066, Australia Phone 07
3371 4993 Mobile 0419 746 060 E-mail
info_at_counsellingservice.com.au Web