Title: DOMA, Medicaid, and Asset Transfers
1DOMA, Medicaid Asset Transfer Rules
2The Supreme Court ruled gay marriages are legal
3That, along with the new healthcare laws that are
soon to be in full effect, there's a lot to
take in when it comes to asset transfer rules,
benefits, estate planning and, of course, Medicaid
4That, along with the new healthcare laws that are
soon to be in full effect, there's a lot to
take in when it comes to asset transfer rules,
benefits, estate planning and, of course, Medicaid
5The Social Security Administration (SSA) and the
Veteran's Administration (VA) have begun issuing
guidance for same-sex marriages
6Spouses of same sex military veterans may also
collect veteran's spousal benefits
7There remain some inconsistencies
8Claims are still being held by Social Security
offices for some who were legally married, but
who lived in states where their marriages weren't
9As a result, those claims are in a state of
10The Veteran's Administration is now providing
benefits to spouses in same sex marriages, as
11Department of Health and Human Services announced
it too would allow states to extend the long term
care protections to those in same sex marriages
and partnerships
12A nursing home resident must spend down to 2,000
- depending on which state the resident resides
13The spouse not in the nursing home, referred to
as a community spouse is entitled to keep
14- For couples not married, the asset limitations
aren't applicable
15The partner not in the nursing home will keep all
of his or her assets with no fears of
jeopardizing a partner's medical treatment
16Learn More About DOMA, Medicaid Asset Transfer
Rules in Vermont
17Click to visit www.UnsworthLaw.net