Title: Rebel Trail - Hosting
1info_at_rebeltrail.com www.rebeltrail.com
- Rebel Trail's server farm is located in downtown
Toronto at the fastest (largest bandwidth)
Internet hub in Canada. Put simply, you will not
find faster hosting in the country.
3Our custom hosting solutions will ensure your
website or application is running at peak
performance in a highly secure environment.
4Our technical consultants will analyze your
website or application hosting requirements and
propose custom systems that will fully
accommodate all of your needs. From simple
static web sites, to powerful enterprise-level
business applications, we can provide custom
hosting solutions that are powerful, yet
5The server farm is manned 24/7 and our
technicians are notified instantly in case of
errors that arise from your website or
application. Backups are taken nightly and stored
6Rebel Trail Web Solutions Inc. Contact Today 1
Yonge Street, Suite 1801, Toronto, Ontario M5E
1W7, Canada Ph no 416-410-8484 Fax no
416-352-5977 Tool Free 888-997-3235 info_at_rebeltra
il.com www.rebeltrail.com