Title: Circulatory System
1Circulatory System
2With what words will you describe this heart so
as not to fill a book Leonardo da Vinci
3Flow of Blood
- The circulatory system is a continuous closed
system with high pressure and low pressure
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5Layers of Heart Tisssue
- Endocardium
- Myocardium
- Epicardium- Visceral Pericardium
- Parietal Pericardium
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7Intercalated Disks- Gap Junctions Desmosomes
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10Arteries- thick walled contain smooth muscle
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13Capallaries No smooth muscle 7 um diameter No
cell more than two cell widths from capillary
(.005) 5 of circulating blood in
capillaries Permeability of capillaries
vary Liver - Brain
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17Lymph contains fat and proteins being returned
to the venous system Lacteals-
lymphatic vessels draining the digestive
tract Afferent Vessels Efferent Vessels
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19Cortex Medulla
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- Adult
- Store RBCs
- Produce lymphocytes
- Store iron
- Destroy worn out RBCs
- Fetus
- Produce RBCs