Title: Today
1Todays Special Presentation
Safety for Super Heroes Industrial X-Ray
Safety Regulatory Update
FeaturingTim Donakowski,Health Physicist,MN
Department of Health
2Industrial X-Ray Safety Regulatory Update
- January 8, 2008
- Annual ASSE/AIHA Combined Meeting
3 Industrial X-RaySecurity Example 1
- Airport cabinet baggage system
- Needed scatter phantom during inspection
- Used water container
- Immediately stopped by security
- Appeared like a dangerous liquid
4Industrial X-RaySecurity Example 2
- Infant carriers through baggage x-ray
- Exposure is less than 0.1 mR, but NOT NECESSARY!
- Infants should be carried through security
5 - New rule
- Administrative requirements
- General requirements
- Cabinet and gauge users
- Radiographers
- Additional information.
6Minnesota Department of Health Rule Chapter 4732
- Effective November 5, 2007
- Harmonizes x-ray machine and radioactive
materials requirements
7Administrative Requirements
- Biennial registration replaced with annual
- Service providers must now be registered
8General Requirements
- All registrants now required to
- Designate a radiation safety officer
- Maintain doses ALARA
- Review their programs annually.
9General Requirements, cont.
- Quarterly dose limit of 1.25 rem replaced with
annual limit of 5.0 rem - Dosimetry threshold lowered from 25 to 10 of
annual limit - Lifetime dose limit dropped
- Dose reporting extended to annual instead of
10General Requirements, cont.
- Training requirement relaxed
- Initial training still required for new workers
- Periodic re-training not required unless worker
is likely to receive more than 100 mrem/y and the
program or equipment changes.
11General Requirements, cont.
- Survey instrument calibration interval increased
from 12 to 24 months.
12Cabinet Gauge Users(Non-Radiographers)
- Follow Chapter 4732.1040
- Relaxes quarterly safety checks and annual
surveys by requiring that manufacturers
recommendations be followed.
- Must be certified after February 3, 2008
- New or modified vaults (lead-lined rooms) must
have shielding plans reviewed - Vault doors must have interlocks checked monthly
(was quarterly in previous rule).
14Radiographers, cont.
- Training requirements are more prescribed
- Must include radiation fundamentals, radiation
detection, registrants equipment, Chapter 4732
and case histories of radiography accidents - Site-specific exam.
15Radiographers, cont.
- Two-person rule at temporary jobsites
- Must take and follow SOP while in the field.
16Questions/Additional Information
- MDH issues monthly new bulletins and occasional
information notices -
- http//www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/radiation/xr
ay/4732info.html - Timothy.Donakowski_at_health.state.mn.us