Title: How Online Purchasing Eliminates Warehousing
1How Online Purchasing Eliminates Warehousing.
- A case study of the Santa Rosa School District
- Judson C Crane
- Director of Purchasing and Contract
Administration - Santa Rosa County School District
- 1987 Warehouses
- General and Food
- Maintenance
- Transportation
- Employees
- 3 Warehouse Managers
- 7 Warehouse Workers
- Significant savings with bulk purchases via bids
and state contracts - Immediate access to warehoused goods
- No local access to goods at competitive prices
- Tens of thousands of dollars of dead stock
- Yearly write offs of dead stock, spoiled and
missing goods - Management of staff / personnel issues and costs
6Changing times.
- 1995 - Introduction of P-Cards
- Users could buy needed items without waiting on
a warehouse requisition - Greater availability of discount Super Stores
- Wal-mart
- Office Depot / Office Max / Staples
- Home Depot / Lowes
7Changing times.
- Maintenance Warehouse first to go Bid for
regionalized preferred supplier - Custodial Services Outsource Janitorial
warehouse items no longer carried - Transportation Outsourced 1998 Warehouse stock
sold to contractor
8Changing times.
- Web Based Procurement becomes available
requisitioners start to shop online - Do I care where they shop?
- heck no, I can limit purchases through P-card.
Why sweat the small stuff it all small
purchases anyway!
9Changing times.
- Maybe I do need to get a handle on these online
purchases - Intro the Online Catalog Bid
- Contracted Prices!
10Due to P-card and online purchases, the General
Warehouse begins to fade away.
11Online Shopping Portal
12(No Transcript)
13(No Transcript)
14What about warehouse staff?
- Reduce numbers through natural attrition and
reassignment - Greater Surplus Function
- There will lways be a need for a delivery system
- Commodities!
152007 So who needs a warehouse anyway?
- Advantages
- none that I can think of
16Benefits of Warehouse Elimination
- Reduced warehouse personnel through change in
positions and attrition - Duties of Buyer has expanded to other areas
- Warehouse storage reduced dramatically
- Publishing of yearly warehouse catalog eliminated
- Purchases and payments for warehouse reduced by
98. (We maintain a Computer Warehouse, forms a
few items) - Running of reorder, items issued receipt
comparison reports. - Yearly bids, tabulations and quotes for stock
eliminated - No receiving stock
- No stock posting
- Adjustments and correction to inventories
- Damaged stock and shipments
- Daily, monthly and yearly stock counts reduced
dramatically. - No more obsolete items needing disposition
- No aged inventory
- No inventory losses
- Delivery
- Purchase of Delivery Trucks and Equipment
- Fuel use down
- More choices available through portal. Warehouse
carried standard items
17Judson C CraneCPPO, CPPB, FCPM, FCCM,
FCNDirector of Purchasing and Contract
AdministrationSanta Rosa County School District