Title: Embodiment and Computation: Convergent Constraints on Language Use
1Embodiment and ComputationConvergent
Constraints on Language Use
- Nancy Chang
- nchang_at_icsi.berkeley.edu
- UC Berkeley / International Computer Science
2What does language do?
A sentence can evoke an imagined scene and
resulting inferences
- Harry walked to the cafe.
- Harry walked into the cafe.
- Goal of action at cafe
- Source away from cafe
- cafe point-like location
- Goal of action inside cafe
- Source outside cafe
- cafe containing location
3Embodied inferences
- The scientist walked into the wall.
The hobo drifted into the house.
The smoke drifted into the house.
4Metaphorical inference
- France fell into recession. Germany pulled it
out. - The economy is moving along at the pace of a
Clinton jog. - The Indian Government is stumbling in
implementing its liberalization plan.
5Embodied knowledge needed
- What things can serve as containers?
- rooms but not walls (usually)
- How do different entities interact?
- how people and gases interact with houses.
- How are different actions/states related?
- stumbling / walking, falling / containment
- How can actions vary?
- rate, direction, degree of force, etc.
that is, more than predicate-argument
structure! WALK(x), FALL(y), HIT(x,y), etc.
6Embodiment in language
- Perceptual and motor systems play a central role
in language production and comprehension - Theoretical proposals
- Linguistics Lakoff, Langacker, Talmy
- Neuroscience Damasio, Edelman
- Cognitive psychology Barsalou, Gibbs, Glenberg,
MacWhinney - Computer science Steels, Feldman
7Goal computationally precise theories of language
Theory of Language Structure
Theory of Language Use
Theory of Language Acquisition
8Theory of Language Structure
Theory of Language Use
Theory of Language Acquisition
9(No Transcript)
10Simulation hypothesis
- We understand utterances by mentally simulating
their content. - Simulation exploits some of the same neural
structures activated during performance,
perception, imagining, memory - Linguistic structure parametrizes the simulation.
- Language gives us enough information to simulate
11Language understanding as simulative inference
12- Embodiment and Simulation
What is an idea? It is an image that paints
itself in my brain. Voltaire
13Neural evidence Mirror neurons
- Gallese et al. (1996) found mirror neurons in
the monkey motor cortex, activated when - an action was carried out
- the same action (or a similar one) was seen.
- Mirror neurons found in humans (Porro et al.
1996) - Mirror neurons activated when someone
- imagines an action being carried out (Wheeler et
al. 2000) - watches an action being carried out (with and
without object) (Buccino et al. 2000)
14The Motor System is somatotopically organized
15The Mirror System
- The mirror system, like the motor system, is
somatotopically organized.
Buccino et al., 2001
humans watching videos of actions without
objects humans watching same actions with
16Mirror neurons for language?
- Mirror neurons for specific effectors activated
during passive listening - Sentences describing mouth/leg/hand motions
activates corresponding part of pre-motor cortex - (Tettamanti et al., forthcoming)
- Verbs associated with particular effectors
activates corresponding areas of motor
cortex (Pulvermuller et al. 2001, Hauk et al.
17Psycholinguistic evidence
- Embodied language impairs action/perception
- Sentences with visual components to their meaning
can interfere with performance of visual tasks
(Richardson et al. 2003) - Sentences describing motion can interfere with
performance of incompatible motor actions
(Glenberg and Kashak 2002) - Sentences describing incompatible visual imagery
impedes decision task (Zwaan et al. 2002) - Simulation effects from fictive motion sentences
- Fictive motion sentences describing paths that
require longer time, span a greater distance, or
involve more obstacles impede decision task
(Matlock 2000, Matlock et al. 2003)
18Suggestive evidence
- Mirror system raises possibility of integrated,
multi-modal representation of actions, along with
objects and locations - Global economy exploit existing sensory-motor
systems for language understanding
19Computational efficacy
- Embodied representations the norm in robotics!
- Computational representations for lexical
semantics have been developed for - Spatial relations (Regier 1996)
- Actions (Bailey 1997, Narayanan 1997)
- Objects / attributes (Roy 1998)
- Metaphor understanding system based on simulation
(Narayanan 1997)
20(No Transcript)
21Embodied lexical semantics
22Learning System
dynamic relations (e.g. into)
structured connectionistnetwork (based on
visual system)
23Metaphor system architecture
Target domain
Metaphor maps
Source domain
(Narayanan 1997)
24Metaphor understanding system
- Indian Government stumbling in implementing
liberalization plan
25Missing link grammar!
- Metaphor understanding system demonstrates that
embodied inferences for difficult case are
feasible. - BUT system has no grammar!
- How do we bridge the gap?
- Need a grammatical theory/formalism that can
served as an interface between linguistic units
and embodied, dynamic, encyclopedic,
context-based information (i.e., that can support
26Language understanding as simulative inference
27- 2. Embodied Construction Grammar
It is not enough to say that the mind is
embodied one must say how. Damasio
28What passes as grammar?
- Syntactic investigation of a given language has
as its goal the construction of a grammar that
can be viewed as a device of some sort for
producing the sentences of the language under
analysis. (Chomsky 1957) - Inadequate notion of grammar
- Meaning-free syntax separate from meaning,
function and processing unanalyzable symbolic
units - Inflexible strict word order, strictly
hierarchical, strictly compositional
29Whos up to the task?
- Most theories of language are not explicitly and
systematically tied to action and perception - Promising exceptions
- Cognitive Grammar / cognitive linguistics
- Construction Grammar
- Typically criticized for being informal / vague
- We borrow liberally from both and formalize.
30Cognitive Linguistics
- Language is an integral part of cognition which
reflects the interaction of cultural,
psychological, communicative, and functional
considerations, and which can only be understood
in the context of a realistic view of
conceptualization and mental processing.
International Cognitive Linguistics Association
website (http//www.cognitivelinguistics.org/aims.
31Key borrowed ideas
- Conceptual structures are embodied.
- Meaning is conceptualization (part of larger
cognitive system). - Concepts are grounded in human experience as
physical, psychological and social beings in the
world. - Basic symbolic unit at all levels is a
form-meaning pair, or construction. - Syntax is not independent of semantics.
- Phrasal/clausal constructions can contribute
meaning independently of constituents.
(Lakoff 1987, 1985 Langacker 1991, 1987)
(Fillmore 1988, Kay Fillmore 1999, Lakoff 1987,
Goldberg 1995)
32Traditional levels of analysis
33Form-meaning mappings for language
Linguistic knowledge consists of form-meaning
- Form
- phonological cues
- word order
- intonation
- inflection
- Meaning
- event structure
- sensorimotor control
- attention/perspective
- social goals...
34Toward a computational account
- Embodied representations that can be simulated
- Previous computational models
- Grammatical formalism for linking the forms of
language with embodied representations - Cognitive linguistics
- Construction Grammar
- Detailed descriptions of the processes involved
in language analysis / simulation
35Construction Grammar
A construction is a form-meaning pair whose
properties may not be strictly predictable from
other constructions. (Construction Grammar,
Goldberg 1995)
36Constructions as maps between relations
Complex constructions are mappings between
relations in form and relations in meaning.
Mover Motion before(Mover, Motion)
MotionEvent mover(Motion, Mover)
is Action ing before(is,
Action) suffix(Action, ing)
ProgressiveAction aspect(Action, ongoing)
DirectedMotionEvent direction(Motion,
Direction) mover(Motion, Mover)
Mover Motion Direction before(Motion,
Direction) before(Mover, Motion)
37More on Construction Grammar
- (Goldberg 1995)
- Clause-level patterns correspond to basic events
- transitive Agent Action Patient
- ditransitive (dative) Giver Action Recipient
Gift - Economical no explosion of senses
- He pushed the ball.
- He pushed her the ball.
- Novel uses handled more robustly
- Mary pushed the tissue off the table.
- ?Mary sneezed the tissue off the table.
- Mary slept the tissue off the table.
38Embodied Construction Grammar(Bergen and Chang
- Embodied representations
- active perceptual and motor schemas (image
schemas, x-schemas, frames, etc.) - situational and discourse context
- Construction Grammar
- Linguistic units relate form and meaning.
- Both constituency and (lexical) dependencies
allowed. - Constraint-based
- based on feature structure unification (as in
HPSG) - Diverse factors can flexibly interact.
Bowerman Pederson
Bowerman Pederson
Bowerman Pederson
42Harry walked into the cafe.
43ECG Structures
- Schemas
- image schemas, force-dynamic schemas, executing
schemas, frames - Constructions
- lexical, grammatical, morphological, gestural
- Maps
- metaphor, metonymy, mental space maps
- Spaces
- discourse, hypothetical, counterfactual
44Image schemas
- Trajector / Landmark (asymmetric)
- The bike is near the house
- ? The house is near the bike
- Boundary / Bounded Region
- a bounded region has a closed boundary
- Topological Relations
- Separation, Contact, Overlap, Inclusion, Surround
- Orientation
- Vertical (up/down), Horizontal (left/right,
front/back) - Absolute (E, S, W, N)
45Embodied schemas
schema name
schema Source-Path-Goal roles source path g
oal trajector
schema Container roles interior exterior po
rtal boundary
role name
These are abstractions over sensorimotor
46Embodied constructions
ECG Notation
construction HARRY form /hEriy/ meaning
construction CAFE form /khaefej/ meaning
Constructions have form and meaning poles that
are subject to type constraints.
47Representing constructions TO
construction TO form selff.phon ?
/thuw/ meaning evokes Trajector-Landmark
as tl Source-Path-Goal as spg
constraints tl.trajector spg.trajector tl
.landmark spg.goal
local alias
identification constraint
The meaning pole may evoke schemas (e.g., image
schemas) with a local alias. The meaning pole may
include constraints on the schemas (e.g.,
identification constraints ).
48The INTO construction
construction INTO form selff.phon ?
/Inthuw/ meaning evokes Trajector-Landmark
as tl Source-Path-Goal as spg
Container as cont constraints tl.traj
ector spg.trajector tl.landmark
cont cont.interior spg.goal cont.exterio
r spg.source
TO vs. INTO INTO adds a Container schema and
appropriate bindings.
49Constructions with constituentsThe
SPATIAL-PHRASE construction
construction SPATIAL-PHRASE constructional cons
tituents sp Trajector-Landmark lm
Thing form spf before lmf meaning spm.landma
rk lmm
local alias
order constraint
identification constraint
- Constructions may also specify constructional
constituents and impose form and meaning
constraints on them - order constraints
- identification constraints
50An argument structure construction
construction DIRECTED-MOTION subcase of
Pred-Expr constructional constituents a
Ref-Exp m Pred-Exp p Spatial-Phrase form
af before mf mf before
pf meaning evokes Directed-Motion as
dm selfm.scene dm dm.agent am dm.motion
mm dm.path pm
schema Directed-Motion roles agent
Entity motion Motion path SPG
51The CAUSED-MOTION construction
construction CAUSED-MOTION subcase of
Pred-Expr constructional constituents agent
Entity action Action patient
Entity path SPG form agentf before
actionf actionf before patientf actionf
before pathf meaning evokes Caused-Motion as
cm selfm.scene cm cm.agent
agentm cm.action actionm cm.patient
patientm cm.path pathm
52Language Understanding Process
- An utterance is perceived
- This activates the form pole of some
constructions - The Analysis process assembles the constructions,
using construal where necessary, and binds
together their forms and their meanings - The product is a constructional analysis
- This yields a semspec -- parameterized schemas
linked together in specified ways - The semspec is input into the Simulation process,
where the understander imagines the content - Resulting inferences are propagated through the
conceptual system.
53Simulation-based language understanding
54Simulation specification
- A simulation specification consists of
- schemas evoked by constructions
- bindings between schemas
55Language Understanding Process
56Constructional analysis
57Semantic Specification
58Basic Feature Structure
A new rule for I
The corresponding fstruct
Pronoun ? I
number ?SG person ? 1st
-The top part of the rule is the old CFG rule.
-This data structure is attached to
the nonterminal during parsing so that the parser
can use the information.
-The next two lines set the agreement features.
-The feature is on the lhs of the colon And the
value is rhs of the colon.
-The ? denotes assignment to the feature listed
on the lhs.
59Feature Structure Unification
- To check the compatibility of two fstructs
- Two feature structures are compatible if they
have the same value for every feature they have
in common (or if one or both leave the value
unspecified). - This process of checking compatibility is called
unification. - Unification
- Is a recursive process that takes two feature
structures and either returns the combined
feature structure if they are compatible or it
returns failure. - Base case Two values unify if they are the same
string. - Recursive Case Two feature structures unify if
for each feature they have in common, those
values unify. - The resulting feature structure just adds the
features they dont have in common to the
resulting structure.
60Language Analysis and Embodied Construction
- John Bryant
- jbryant_at_icsi.berkeley.edu
61Getting From the Utterance to the SemSpec
- Need a grammar formalism
- Embodied Construction Grammar (Bergen Chang
2002) - Need new models for language analysis
- Traditional methods too limited
- Traditional methods also dont get enough
leverage out of the semantics.
62Embodied Construction Grammar
- Semantic Freedom
- Designed to be symbiotic with cognitive
approaches to meaning - More expressive semantic operators than
traditional grammar formalisms - Form Freedom
- Free word order, over-lapping constituency
- Precise enough to be implemented
63Traditional Parsing Methods Fall Short
- PSG parsers too strict
- Constructions not allowed to leave constituent
order unspecified - Traditional way of dealing with incomplete
analyses is ad-hoc - Making sense of incomplete analyses is important
when an application must deal with ill-formed
input - Traditional unification grammar cant handle
ECGs deep semantic operators.
64Our Analyzer
- Replaces the FSMs used in traditional chunking
(Abney 96) with much more powerful machines
capable of backtracking called construction
recognizers - Arranges these recognizers into levels just like
in Abneys work - But uses a chart to deal with ambiguity
65Our Analyzer (contd)
- Uses specialized feature structures to deal with
ECGs novel semantic operators - Supports a heuristic evaluation metric for
finding the right analysis - Puts partial analyses together when no complete
analyses are available - The analyzer was designed under the assumption
that the grammar wont cover every meaningful
utterance encountered by the system.
66The Levels
- The analyzer puts the recognizer on the level
assigned by the grammar writer. - Assigned level should be greater than or equal to
the levels of the constructions constituents. - The analyzer runs all the recognizers on level 1,
then level 2, etc. until no more levels. - Recognizers on the same level can be mutually
- Each Construction is turned into a recognizer
- Recognizer active representation
- seeks form elements/constituents when initiated
- Unites grammar and process - grammar isnt just a
static piece of knowledge in this model. - Checks both form and semantic constraints
- Contains an internal representation of both the
semantics and the form - A graph data structure used to represent the form
and a feature structure representation for the
68Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
This is the initial Constituent Graph for
69Recognizer Example
Construct Caused-Motion
Constituent Agent
Constituent Action
Constituent Patient
Constituent Path
The initial constructional tree for the instance
of Caused-Motion that we are trying to create.
70Recognizer Example
71Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
A node filled with gray is removed.
72Recognizer Example
Construct Caused-Motion
Constituent Action
Constituent Patient
Constituent Path
RefExp Mary
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
73Recognizer Example
74Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
75Recognizer Example
Construct Caused-Motion
Verb kicked
Constituent Patient
Constituent Path
RefExp Mary
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
76Recognizer Example
77Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
According to the Constituent Graph, The next
constituent can either be the Patient or the Path.
78Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
79Recognizer Example
Construct Caused-Motion
Verb kicked
RefExp Det Noun
Constituent Path
RefExp Mary
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
80Recognizer Example
81Recognizer Example
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
82Recognizer Example
Construct Caused-Motion
Verb kicked
RefExp Det Noun
Spatial-Pred Prep RefExp
RefExp Mary
Mary kicked the ball into the net.
83Recognizer Example
84Resulting SemSpec
After analyzing the sentence, the following
identities are asserted in the resulting SemSpec
Scene Caused-Motion Agent Mary Action
Kick Patient Path.Trajector The Ball Path
Into the net Path.Goal The net
- The analyzer (as described so far) is already
being put to use in Changs thesis work. - The levels are well-suited to incremental
learning. - Syntactic robustness important for generating
partial analyses with poor coverage - It will also be used this semester for producing
SemSpecs for Narayanans enactment engine. - Put the deep semantics towards parameterizing
86Current Work
- Leveraging the semantics to make the analyzer
more robust - When the analyzer cannot find a single analysis
that spans all the input, it can still make a lot
of progress towards a sensible analysis. - Find combinations of sub-analyses that span and
share common semantics in the chart. - Leveraging the semantics to find the best
analysis - ECG analyses evoke semantic frames.
- Prefer analyses that better fill frame elements.
- By expanding traditional notions of parsing and
unification grammar, it is possible to make a
robust ECG-based language analyzer. - Further work is necessary to better ground
partial analysis/semantic density. - But they seem promising.
88- Embodied Construction Grammar providesformal
tools for linguistic description and analysis
motivated largely by cognitive/functional
- A shared theory and formalism for different
cognitive mechanisms - Constructions, metaphor, mental spaces, etc.
- Precise specifications of structures/processes
involved in language understanding - Bridge to detailed simulative inference using
embodied representations
89Summary ECG
- Linguistic constructions are tied to a model of
simulated action and perception - Embedded in a theory of language processing
- Constrains theory to be usable
- Frees structures to be just structures, used in
processing - Precise, computationally usable formalism
- Practical computational applications, like MT and
NLU - Testing of functionality, e.g. language learning
- A shared theory and formalism for different
cognitive mechanisms - Constructions, metaphor, mental spaces, etc.
90ECG applications
- Grammar
- Spatial relations/events (Bergen Chang 1999
Bretones et al. In press) - Verbal morphology (Gurevich 2003, Bergen ms.)
- Reference measure phrases (Dodge and Wright
2002), construal resolution (Porzel Bryant
2003), reflexive pronouns (Sanders 2003) - Semantic representations / inference
- Aspectual inference (Narayanan 1997 Chang,
Gildea Narayanan 1998) - Perspective / frames (Chang, Narayanan Petruck
2002) - Metaphorical inference (Narayanan 1997, 1999)
- Simulation semantics (Narayanan 1997, 1999)
- Language acquisition
- Lexical acquisition (Regier 1996, Bailey 1997)
- Multi-word constructions (Chang 2004 Chang
Maia 2001)
91- 3. Simulation-based inference
92Interpretation simulation
- Constructions can
- specify which schemas and entities are involved
in an event, and how they are related - profile particular stages of an event
- set parameters of an event
walker at goal
Harry is walking home.
93Simulation Semantics
- execution-based model of events/processes
- tractable, distributed, concurrent,
context-sensitive - X-schemas provide natural model of
- resource consumption/production
- goals, preconditions, effects
- hierarchical events (multiple granularities)
94Simulation Semantics (2)
- Captures fine-grained distinctions needed for
interpretation - aspectual inferences Narayanan 1997, 1999
Chang et al. 1998 - metaphoric inferences Narayanan 1997, 1999
- perspectival inferences Chang et al. 2002
- inductive bias for language learning Bailey
1997, Chang 2000 - Captures essential features of neural computation
Feldman Ballard 1982, Feldman 1989, Valiant
1994 - active, context-sensitive knowledge
representation - same representational substrate for action,
perception Boccino et al. 2001, NBL01, CNS02 - natural model of concurrent and distributed
95Simulation Semantics
- Inspired by biological control theory, Simulation
Semantics models events as executing-, or
x-schemas. - An x-schema is a Petri net a weighted graph
consisting of places (circles) and transitions
(rectangles) connected by directed input and
output arcs. - A state is defined by the placement of a token (a
black dot or number) in a particular place. - The real-time execution semantics of Petri nets
models the production and consumption of
resources - A transition is enabled when its input places are
marked such that it can fire by movement of
tokens from input to output. - Arcs include resource, enable and inhibitory
arcs. - Actions have hierarchical structure, permitting
96Language is embodiedit is learned and used by
people with bodies who inhabit a physical,
psychological and social world.