Title: Love Hurts
1Love Hurts
2Enduring Love
- Years subdue the ardor of passion, but in lieu
thereof friendship and affection deep-rooted
subsists, which defies the ravages of time, and
whilst the vital flame exists. - Abigail Adams
3Why Doesnt the Passion Last?
4Case Study 1 Brad Pitt
5Case Study 2 Donald Trump
6Case Study 3 Tom Cruise
7Case Study 4 J. Lo
8Lessons from the Animal Kingdom
9Falling Out of Love
Joe Dude, where'd she dump you, man?Lloyd
In the car.Denny Oh man, your car? Man,
Dissed in the Malibu. Thats your castle,
man. From Say Anything
10Lost Love Stage I (Protest)
- Elevated levels of dopamine, norepinephrine,
cortisol - Anger and rage as a survival mechanism?
- TIME heals this separation anxiety, panic, and
11Lost Love Stage I (Protest)
DC Why dont you just call her again?Lloyd
I draw the line at 7 unreturned phone calls.
Lloyd "Hi, this is Lloyd. This is my 8th and
final phone call."
12Lost Love Stage II (Resignation/Despair)
- Decreased levels of dopamine
- Benefits of depression?
- Again, TIME heals loves wounds
13Lost Love Stage II (Resignation/Despair)
Lloyd "She's gone. She gave me a pen. I gave
her my heart... she gave me a pen."
Lloyd The rain on my car is a baptism, the new
me, Power Lloyd, my assault on the world begins
14Crimes of Passion
- Low levels of serotonin
- The Justice Department reports that every year
over a million American women are stalked (most
are between ages eighteen and thirty-nine) 59
percent of them are stalked by boyfriends,
husbands, former spouses, or live-in partners. - Some 370,000 American men reported being stalked
in 1997 most were between the ages of eighteen
and thirty-ninemen of reproductive age.