Title: The Food Pyramid and Tips to Stay Fit
1The Food Pyramid and Tips to Stay Fit!
2What is it?
- In 2005 the U.S Department of Agriculture re-did
the food pyramid - The categories are Grains, Vegetables, Fruits,
Milk, Oils, and Meats and beans - Exercise is also included in the pyramid to
maintain a healthy lifestyle
3The Old Pyramid
The old pyramid had different groups It also had
different serving sizes for each category
- Grains are broken down into whole grains and
refined grains - Whole Grains include things like oatmeal and
brown rice - Refined grains include white flour and white rice
- Girls age 9-13 are recommended to eat 2 cups a
day - Girls age 14-18 are recommended 2 ½ cups a day
- Boys 9-13 should have 2 ½ cups a day
- Boys 14-18 should have 3 cups
- Vegetables are broken down into 5 sub groups
- Dark green vegetables
- Starchy vegetable
- Orange Vegetables
- Dry beans and peas
- Other vegetables
- Fruits are one of the most well known food groups
- Often children enjoy this food group
- Some fruit choices can be
- Apples
- Bananas
- Oranges
- Kiwi
- Plums
- Some categories of milk can be
- Milk
- Milk based desserts
- Cheese
- Yogurt
Daily recommendation for children 9-18 years old
is 3 cups
8Meats and Beans
Some commonly eaten choices in this food group
are Meats Poultry Eggs NutsSeeds Fish Reco
mmended Daily intake for children 9-18, Girls 5
ounces, Boys(14-18) 6 ounces
- Oils are fats that are liquid at room temperature
- Oils come from many different plants and from
fish - Some common oils are
- canola oil
- corn oil
- cottonseed oil
- olive oil
- safflower oil
- soybean oil
- sunflower oil
- 5-6 teaspoons a day for children 9-18 is
10Staying Active
- You should have up to 30 mins. of physical
activity every day - Anything that increases your heart beat
11Some Tips for Staying Active
- Some moderate activities to stay active
- Hiking
- Golf
- Biking
- Weight training
- Briskly walking
- Some vigorous activies
- Running/jogging
- Aerobics
- Basketball
- Swimming
12Some Helpful Websites
My Pyramid Kid's Health Nutrition Explorations
Eat Healthy!
13Food Pyramid in the Classroom
- Physical education teachers need to bring the
food pyramid into the classroom - Children can make their own food pyramids
- Class discussions on healthy eating habits
- Teachers must model and demonstrate a healthy
14Some Tips
- Tips to help you
- Make half your grains whole
- Vary your veggies
- Focus on fruit
- Get your calcium rich foods
- Go lean with protein
- Find your balance between food and physical
activity - Keep food safe to eat
- -from mypyramid.gov
15Great healthy recipes!
Awesome Applesauce Peanut Butter Muffins Tiny
Pizza's Incredible Edible Veggie Bowls Click
for more...
16My Pyramid Tracker
This site helps track down your daily intake to
see if you are meeting the recommendations for
your food groups. It can be a challenge to eat
every food group. See if you can try! Tracker
Click here!
17The Food Pyramid Game
A great game for everyone to play This game gets
anyone familiar with the food groups Food
Pyramid Game
18Analyze My Plate
- This website allows children to put food on a
plate - The website then shows the student how to make a
healthy meal - I thought this was a cool way to introduce
healthy eating to students - Analyze My Plate
20Follow the Food Guide Pyramid
- Be physically active every day
- Eat more from more food groups that others
- Eat every color every day
- Choose healthy foods