Title: EU Framework 7 Programme FP7 Facilitating Cooperation
1EU Framework 7 Programme (FP7)Facilitating
- Dr Ritchie Head
- FrameworksNW
2Role of FrameworksNW
- Increase North West involvement in FP7 and
associated European and UK research and
innovation programmes - Free Practical help Awareness raising, partner
searches, assistance with proposal writing,
document provision, query helpline
3What is FP7?
EC mechanism for funding collaborative research
technological development (RTD)
Creating new knowledge Improve
competitiveness Resolve societal
issues Developing the European Research
Area Transnational projects
4FP7 Structure
IDEAS (European Research Council)
COOPERATION Tackling major research themes
IDEAS (European Research Council) Putting bright
ideas to work for Europe
COOPERATION Health Food, Agriculture
Biotechnology ICT NMP Energy Environment (inc.
Climate change) Transport (inc.
Aeronautics) Socio-econ. Science
Humanities Security Space
IDEAS (European Research Council) Starting
independent researcher grants Advanced
investigator grants
PEOPLE (Marie Curie)
PEOPLE (Marie Curie) Want a scientific career
in Europe?
PEOPLE (Marie Curie) Initial training of
researchers Lifelong learning career
development Industry-academia partnerships Interna
tional dimension Specific actions
CAPACITIES Top facilities for top scientists
CAPACITIES Research infrastructures Science in
society Research for the benefit of
SMEs Activities of INCO Regions of
knowledge Coherent development of
policies Research potential
5Collaboration - Complimentary skills
Clear vision
Fundamental Research
Applied Research
Prototyping Demonstration
Commercial Product/Service
Research Org.
Company RD
Public Sector
6Why get Involved
7How much is the grant?
8Funding schemes (Environment)
9Typical Public Body Role in FP7
- Collaborative RD projects
- End-user
- Specify requirements
- Demonstration/testing
- Policy development
- Coordination and support actions
- Networks
- Regions of knowledge
- Research-driven clusters
10FP6 IST Project
Manchester City Council eGovernment Planning
systems Citizen participation 6.8m / 11.4m Logo
courtesy of http//intelcities.iti.gr/intelcities/
18 Cities - 20 ICT Companies - 36 Research
Employment training
Regeneration planning
Environmental simulation
Land use info management
11How we can help YOU
Awareness raising of opportunity
Direct contact
- and much more
- FrameworksNW
- One stop shop for Collaborative RD Assistance
in NW
Enquiry from client
1. Highlight opportunities
2. Shape ideas into project
3. Consortium building (partners)
4. Writing guidance
5. Proposal clinic
6. Pre-submission report
Proposal submission
123 Large NW Projects Supported
13- Application of secure, efficient energy systems
and renewable sources - Soft projects, upto 75 funding
- ? ALTENER - new and renewable energy sources
- ? SAVE - energy efficiency, notably in buildings
and industry - ? STEER - energy aspects of transport
- ? Integrated initiatives local action and
specific topics, ICPC countries
New Call launch March 2009 See draft info
.htm Helen Fairclough www.energiehelpline.co.uk
DEVELOPMENT Free help available in the Northwest
FrameworksNW T 0151 632 8888 F 0151 632
8889 info_at_frameworksnw.co.uk www.frameworksnw.co.
uk Framework 7 cordis.europa.eu/fp7/
INFORMATION PROVISION Provision of up to date
information and advice on European funding
opportunities for you BROKERING
COLLABORATION Linking industry and SMEs with
European research performers in mutually
beneficial RD collaborations TRAINING Providing
tailored workshops, events and mentoring to
organisations and individuals with a view to
creating long-term stability of
knowledge PROPOSAL SUPPORT One to one guidance
on preparing proposals and independent expert
evaluation of documentation
15Discussion Points
- What are the barriers to engagement?
- What does a successful FP7 strategy look like?
16How? The Process
TIME 2-3 months preparation 2-3 months
writing 3 months evaluation 3 months
European Union
The Seventh Framework Programme
Calls for proposals
Evaluation of project
Long term ambitious collaborative RD
Proposal writing
Project idea
Project start
17Regions of Knowledge Missing Opportunities
- Internet-based and mobile technologies for
regions in the net economy (IREGIONS) - Creating a joint research agenda for ICT
innovation in the creative industries across
Europe (CREATE) - Inter-cluster initiative to target the future
challenges for the European polymer converting
industry (CLUSTERPLAST) - Activities
- a proficient use of the available capacities,
competencies and knowledge at European scale-
an efficient selection and resort to funding
instruments- the further valorization of RD
results. In this framework, the development of a
Joint Action Plan will constitute the major
deliverable towards this end. - 6 member States
18CIP Entrepreneurship Innovation
New Call Due 2009!
19Perceived Barriers to Collaboration