Title: Support for Education in Health Services
1Support for Education in Health Services
- Conference held at VO sociální Olomouc
- on 26 April 2006
- Jaroslav Gajarský
- Credo of Johnson Johnson
- Health Services competitive advantage of the
Czech Republic - Education in Health Services
- at Colleges and Universities
- Postgraduate studies
- 4. Project HOPE a CSR case study
- Conclusion
3- Founded in 1886
- Active in more than 175 countries
- More than 101 000 employees
- In the Czech Republic and in Slovakia since 1991
- Credo since 1943 the beginning of Corporate
Social Responsibility programmes
4- Our credo
- We believe our first responsibility is to the
doctors, nurses and patients,to mothers and
fathers and all others who use our products and
services.In meeting their needs everything we do
must be of high quality.We must constantly
strive to reduce our costsin order to maintain
reasonable prices.Customers' orders must be
serviced promptly and accurately. Our suppliers
and distributors must have an opportunity to make
fair profit. - We are responsible to our employees,the men and
women who work with us throughout the
world.Everyone must be considered as an
individual.We must respect their dignity and
recognize their merit.They must have a sense of
security in their jobs.Compensation must be fair
and adequate,and working conditions clean,
orderly and safe.We must be mindful of ways to
help our employees fulfilltheir family
responsibilities.Employees must feel free to
make suggestions and complaints.There must be
equal opportunity for employment, developmentand
advancement for those qualified.We must provide
competent management,and their actions must be
just and ethical. - We are responsible to the communities in which we
live and workand to the world community as
well.We must be good citizens support good
works and charitiesand bear our fair share of
taxes.We must encourage civic improvements and
better health and education.We must maintain in
good orderthe property we are privileged to
use,protecting the environment and natural
- Client
- Employee
- Company
- Stockholders
5WHY ?
- JJ as an interesting company when choosing
ones career - commercial longevity
- difference in approach
- competitive strength
6Criteria for project selection
- linked to JJs main orientation drives
- non-profit status of the organisation
- experiences and proved success in Health
Services projects - originality and innovation of the project
- clearly defined targets, budget,
- potential of long-term financial autonomy and
7Areas for project selection
- JJ worldwide
- children health care
- mental health care
- education in Health Services
- public health care
- innovation
- help provided during disasters
8Competitive advantage of the Czech Republic
- Weaknesses
- Priorities orientation
- Management
- Primary care and after-care
- Threats
- EU
- Strengths
- High level of professional education (doctors,
nurses) and specialized care - Opportunities
- EU
9Education in Health Services
- Manager
- high schools and universities
- others
- Professional -Medical
- Universities Schools of Medicine, Secondary
Medical School - Field at the Institute for Postgraduate Education
in Health Care
10Education in Health Services at Colleges and
- Form combined or distance learning
- Palacky University Health Services Management
- IT and Management College at UHK Bachelors
degree 1st grade not opened in 04 - Management College in Jindrichove Hradci
Management of Health Services - (partnership of American and Czech Universities
Section 2)
11Education in Health Services - Postgraduates
- Middle management Project HOPE
- Top management in the Czech Republic
- CMC Celákovice Dynamic Manager
- MBA programmes
- Top management in the EU INSEAD-France
12(No Transcript)
13PROJECT HOPECharacteristics
- Manager Education in Health Services
- 1992-1996 top management 190
- 1995-1998 top management 250
- 2000-2005 middle management 360
- Total 800
- Others
- Palliative care
- Breast cancer
- Humanitary aid
14Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services
- Basic structure
- 1. Managements tasks/ strategy
- 2. Operational management/ quality improvement
- 3. Human resources
- 4. Finance/budget management
- Target groups
- 1. Hospitals in the Czech Republic and in
Slovakia - 2. Health Insurance Companies
- 3. Mental asylums - new
- 4. Regional Authorities - new
15Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services
- Participants profile
- 3 members in a team
- 1. Head physician/Ward physician
- 2. Head/Ward nurse
- 3. Head technical/administration worker
- Facts 2000-2005
- 120 projects
- 70 Czech hospitals
- 1 Slovak hospital
- 3 Health Insurance companies
16Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services
- Facts 2000-2005
- 120 projects
- Motivation and remuneration
- Accreditation / quality
- Operations restructuring and optimization
- 5 Communication
- Facts 2000-2005
- 120 projects
17Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services
- Importance and benefits for all participants
- Development of management skills personality
development and growth - Team work, networking in health services
- Working on a particular project according to the
needs of the organisation with the option to
apply the processed project on other wards or in
other organisations - Professional guidance and consultation with
foreign and domestic lecturers - Feedback from participants
- Besides project management also presentation
skills - Minimum financial costs for participants (only
transport and accommodation)
18Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services
7th year - 2006 - Havlíckuv Brod 1. March
7.-10.3.2006 2. April 3.- 5.4.2006 3.
May 15.-17.5.2006 4. June 14.-16.6.2006 Nymb
urk final presentations October / November
19Change Management Reinforcing the position of
middle management in health services Time schedule