Title: Acoustics
- mechanical oscillation
- 20Hz - 20kHz audible sound
- below 20Hz infrasound
- above 20kHz ultrasound
3Speed of sound
- E Youngs modulus of elasticity
- (steel approx. 5100 m/s)
- K volume stress modulus
- (water approx. 1500 m/s)
4Speed of sound in various media
5Speed of sound in air
6Acoustic particle displacement, speed and pressure
a amax.sin (?.t) amax.sin (2p.f.t) v da/dt
amax.2p.f.cos (2p.f.t) vmax.cos
(2p.f.t) pmax ?.c.vmax Total pressure in
one point atmopheric pressure acoustic pressure
7Effective (RMS) acoustic speed and pressure
vef vmax/v2 pef pmax/v2 pef ?.c.vef
8Acoustic impedance
Analogy to el. parameters Z Uef/Ief gt Z
pef/vef Z c . ? Acoustic impedance is
characteristic parameter for each ambient and
affects quantum of acoustic energy rebounded on
transition between two ambient with different
acoustic impedance.
9Sound intensity
I P/S W/m2 I ½ . pmax.vmax ½ . vmax2.?.c
½ . pmax2/(?.c) I pef.vef vef2.?.c
pef2/(?.c) Io 10-12 W/m2
10Sound intensity level
L(B)log (I/Io) B L(dB) 10.log (I/Io)
dB L(dB) 10.log (I/Io) 10.log (pef/po)2
20.log (pef/po) p0 2.10-5 Pa
11Acoustic pressure in sound
13Outer ear
- Lobe gristle (direction of acoustic oscillation
to ear canal) - Ear canal gristle and bone, 3cm (sound -gt
tympanum) - Ear drum (tympanic membrane) tissue membrane,
thickness 0.1mm, area 50-90 mm2
14Middle ear
- Air filled antrum
- Earbones
- Malleus
- Incus
- Stapes (area 3 mm2)
- Eustachian tube pressure balancing
15Inner ear
- Cochlea liquid filled (perilymph)
- Cortis organ
- Hair cells (25000)
- Audible nerve
16Auditory field
threshold of pain
acoustic pressure dB
auditory field
threshold of hearing
17Loudness level
Loudness level Ph
Acoustic pressure level dB
18Weighted filters
19Hearing disorders
- Conductive hearing
- Otitis
- Otosclerosis
- Sensorineural loss
- Meniers disease
- Neurinom
20Diagnostics methodes
21Kochlear reserve
Tone audiometry conductive hearing on right side
22Tone audiometry sensorineural loss on left side
23Kochlear reserve
Tone audiometry mixed loss on left side
24Diagnostics methods
- Tympanometry
- Diagnostic of middle ear
- Enables to examine
- Reflexes
- m.stapedius
- m.tensor tympani
- Decay test
- Volume
- ear canal (only with undemaged ear drum)
- ear canal and mastoideal chambers ( perforated
ear drum)
25Tympanometry curve A physiological status
26Tympanometry curve C dysfunction of ET
27Tympanometry curve B high rigidity (liquid
in middle ear myringosclerosis)
28Diagnostics methods
- Otoacoustic emission
- Spontaneous (SOAEs)
- Evoke (tone, broad frequency spectrum)
- For internal ear
- For newborn
29Hearing compensation
30Hearing compensation
- Cochlear neuroprotesis
- Microphone
- Speech processor
- Transmitter
- Receiver
- Stimulator
- Electrodes