Title: Viruses
1Viruses Bacteria Review
2What is this? How do you know?
3What are the major structures?
4Why is there no cure for common cold?
5Are viruses living? Why?
6Lytic or Lysis Cycle?
7What does HIV attack?How is HIV different from
other viruses?
8What is this?
9Eukaryote or Prokaryote? Living?
Function of structures?
10What are these shapes?
11What are these shapes?
12What are these shapes?
13Gram Staining
14How Bacteria Get Food
- Heterotrophic
- Saprophytic
- Autotrophic
- Photosynthetic
- Chemosynthetic
- Nitrogen-fixating
15How do bacteria reproduce?
16What is this experiment?
17Viral and Bacterial Diseases
18Chicken Pox(Varicella zoster)
Virus transmitted by contact with
lesion Symptoms rash, fever
19Small Pox(Variola)
Virus spread through air, contact w/ lesions
Symptoms pustules, often fatal
Virus Spread through feces Symptoms stiffness,
21AIDS caused by HIV(Acquired Immunodeficiency
Virus sexual or blood contact Symtoms immune
system failure, fatal
22Tuberculosis(Mycobacterium tuberculosis)
Bacterial spread through air Symptoms
respiratory failure
23Bubonic Plague (Black Death)
- The exact pathogen is unknown but it was spread
by fleas
Bacterial spread by flea bites Symptomsbleeding
into skin, death
24Leprosy(Mycobacterium leprae)
Bacterial spread by contact with
lesions Symptoms Gangrene of extremities,
sensory loss, mutilation.
25Typhus(Rickettsia prowazekii)
Bacterial spread through lice feces Symptoms
itchy rash, mental confusion,
Causes severe muscle spasms
Bacterial soil Symptoms affects nervous system,
27Lyme Disease(Borrelia burgdorferi)
Bacterial, spread by tick bites Symptoms rash,
achy joints, eventual organ