Title: Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants
1Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
- UNEP Chemicals, 11-13 chemin des Anémones,
CH-1219 Châtelaine (GE), Switzerland
2Stockholm Convention on POPs
- International action on persistent organic
pollutants( POPs) facilitated by UNEP Chemicals - 3 years of negotiations between governments,
environmental NGOs, industrial NGOs ? the POPs
Convention was adopted on May 22-23, 2001 in
Stockholm, Sweden - Until today, 151 countries and the European
Commission signed the convention - 21 countries ratified or acceded the convention
- Convention will enter into force when 50
ratifications/accessions obtained (2004 ?)
3What are POPs ?
- POPs are organic compounds ( contain carbon) of
natural or anthropogenic origin - Characterized by physical and chemical
properties- persistent resist degradation in
the environment- semi-volatile low, but
significant vapor pressure leads to
distribution into all environmental media- low
water solubility and high fat solubility - ? regional and gloabl distribution via air,
water, organisms - ? long-term exposure to humans and wildlife
- ? bioaccumulation in fatty tissues of living
organisms - ? chronic and acute toxic effects on humans and
4The 12 UNEP POPs
- Pesticide Industrial By- Chemical product
- Aldrin x
- Chlordane x
- DDT x
- Dieldrin x
- Endrin x
- Heptachlor x
- Mirex x
- Toxaphene x
- Hexachlorobenzene (HCB) x x
- Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) x x
- Polychlorinated dibenzo- p-dioxins (PCDD) x
- Polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF) x
5Objective, Chemicals
- Objective... of this Convention is to protect
human health and the environment from persistent
organic pollutants. - Main provisionsControl measures- on
intentionally produced POPs- on unintentionally
produced POPs- on stockpiles and wastes - General obligations
- Addition of new chemicals
- Financial and technical assistance
- Implementation aspects
6Intentionally Produced POPs
- Goal elimination of production and use of all
intentionally produced POPs - Chemicals slated for elimination are listed in
Annex Aaldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin,
heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, PCB,
toxaphene - Chemicals slated for restriction are listed in
Annex B- DDT ("acceptable purpose"
production for use in vector control programs-
specific exemptions for some parties- other
types of exemptions exist some have conditions,
accountability requirements, time limits
7PCB Article 3 / Annex A - Elimination
- PCB Production NONEPCB Use Articles in use in
accordance with the provisions of Part II of
this Annex - Each Party shalla) Prohibit and/or take the
legal and administrative measures necessary to
eliminateProduction and use, import or export - b) shall take measures to ensure that a chemical
is imported only for the environmentally sound
8Intentionally Produced POPs - PCB
- PCB 3 main goals- cease production of new PCB
immediately- eliminate use of PCB in in-use
equipment by 2025- dispose of PCB as soon as
possible but not later than by 2028 - Parties must report to COP every 5 years on
progress - COP will review progress on 2025 and 2028 targets
every 5 years
9PCB Priority List
- Each Party shall (Annex A - Part II)
- Identify, label and remove from use equipment
- containing
- (i) gt10 PCB and volumes gt5 litres
- (ii) gt0.05 per cent PCB and volumes gt5 litres
- (iii) gt0.005Â percent PCBs and volumes gt0.05
litres. - 0.05 ? 500 ppm 0.005 ? 50 ppm
10PCB Management (Annex A - Part II)
- (b) Reduction of exposures and risk
- i) Intact and non-leaking equipment and only in
areas where the risk from environmental release
can be minimised and quickly remedied - (ii) No use of equipment in areas associated
with the production or processing of food or
feed - (iii) When used in populated areas, including
schools and hospitals, all reasonable measures to
protect from electrical failure which could
result in a fire, and regular inspection of
equipment for leaks
11Timetable for PCB
- Elimination of the use of PCB in equipment (e.g.,
transformers, capacitors or other receptacles
containing liquid stocks) by 2025 - Environmentally sound waste management of liquids
containing PCB and equipment with PCB content
above 0.005 per cent as soon as possible but no
later than 2028 - Report progress in elimination every 5 years.
12DDT - Annex B
- All Parties shall- eliminate production and use
except for disease vector control programs
special DDT register reporting and other
obligations- promote research and development
for alternatives to DDT - The COP will review at its 1st meeting and every
3 years thereafter to see when DDT is no longer
needed for disease vector control use
13Intentional POPs - Trade
- Imports/exports of all POPs in Annexes A and B
between Parties are limited to shipments-
intended for environmentally sound disposal, or-
to Parties with "specific exemptions" under
Annexes A or B, or "acceptable purposes" under
Annex B - Exports to non-Parties may take place subject
to- conditions on both Non-Party and Party,
and- accountability requirements for the use and
disposal of POPs.
1454 Countries Asked for 108 Exemptions
- DDT 36 Vector control, contaminant
(Korea) intermediate for dicofol (China, India) - PCB 34 In electrical equipment (Poland)
- Chlordane 14 Termiticide, plywood (Japan, Korea)
- HCB 13 Intermediate, solvent for pesticides,
contam- inant chlorthalonil, Cl5Bz (Poland,
Korea) - Heptachlor 7 Termiticide, articles in use
(Japan, Korea) - Mirex 2 Termiticide (Australia, China)
- Aldrin 1 Ectoparasiticide, insecticide (Comores)
- Dieldrin 1 Agricultural stocks - 2 years (India)
15Unintentionally Produced POPs
- Compounds included (Annex C)PCDD/PCDF (incl. 12
dioxin-like PCB WHO-TEFs)PCB and HCB - Article 5
- Each Party shall at a minimum take the following
measures to reduce the total releases of each
of the chemicals listed in Annex C, with the goal
of their continuing minimization and, where
feasible, ultimate elimination.
16PCDD/PCDF Article 5 (a-e)
- (a) establish action plan (source identification,
release inventories) - (b) promote measures to achieve realistic
release reduction or source elimination - (c) Promote/require the use of substitute or
modified materials, products and processes to
prevent the formation and release of the
chemicals in Annex C - (d) Promote/require the use of BAT for new
sources and promote use of BEP for identified
source categories - (e) Promote the use of BEP for existing sources
and for sources not covered under (d)
17PCDD/PCDF Article 5 (a) (i)
- (a) Develop an action plan within two years of
the date of entry into force of this Convention
. Designed to identify, characterize and address
the releases of the chemicals listed in Annex C - (i) An evaluation of current and projected
releases, including the development and
maintenance of source inventories and release
estimates, taking into consideration the source
categories identified in Annex C
18Annex C - Part II Source Categories
- (a) Waste incinerators, including co-incineration
of municipal, hazardous or medical waste or
sewage sludge - (b) Cement kilns firing hazardous waste
- (c) Production of pulp using elemental chlorine
or chemicals generating elemental chlorine for
bleaching - (d)The following thermal processes in the
metallurgical industry - (i) Secondary copper production (ii)
Sinter plants in the iron and steel
industry (iii) Secondary aluminum
production (iv) Secondary zinc production.
19Annex C - Part III Source Categories
- open burning of wastes (including landfill sites)
- thermal processes in metallurgical industry not
specified in Part II - residential combustion sources
- fossil-fuel fired utility and industrial boilers
- firing installations for wood and other biomass
fuels - chemical production processes releasing
unintentionally produced POPs (e.g., production
of chlorophenols and chloranil) - motor vehicles, especially those burning leaded
gasoline - textile and leather dying and finishing
- shredder plants for the treatment of end-of life
vehicles - destruction of animal carcasses
- crematoria
- smouldering of copper cables
- waste oils refineries
20BAT Prevention Methods (Annex C)
- a) The use of low-waste technology
- (b) The use of less hazardous substances
- (c) The promotion of recovery/recycling of waste
and of substances - (d) Replacement of POPs feed materials or where
there is a direct link between the materials and
releases of POPs from the source - (e) Good housekeeping and preventive maintenance
programmes - (f) Improvements in waste management with the aim
of cessation of open and other uncontrolled
burning of wastes, landfill sites. Before
constructing new waste disposal facilities,
consideration should be given to minimize the
generation of municipal and medical waste,
including resource recovery, reuse, recycling,
waste separation and promoting products that
generate less waste. Public health concerns
should be carefully considered - (g) Minimization of these chemicals as
contaminants in products - (h) Avoiding elemental chlorine or chemicals
generating elemental chlorine for bleaching.
21General Considerations of BAT
- (i) Nature, effects and mass of the releases
concerned techniques may vary depending on
source size - (ii) Commissioning dates for new or existing
installations - (iii) Time needed to introduce the best available
technique - (iv) Consumption/nature of raw materials and
energy efficiency - (v) Need to prevent or reduce to a minimum the
overall impact of the releases to the environment
and the risks to it - (vi) Need to prevent accidents and to minimize
their consequences for the environment - (vii) Need to ensure occupational health and
safety at workplaces - (viii) Comparable processes, facilities or
methods of operation which have been tried with
success on an industrial scale - (ix) Technological advances, changes in
scientific knowledge and understanding.
22General Release Reduction Measures
- (b) For new facilities or significantly modifying
existing facilities that release POPs, priority
consideration should be given to alternative
processes, techniques or practices that have
similar usefulness but which avoid the formation
and release of POPs. ... Reduction measures to be
considered in determining best available
techniques - (i) Use of improved methods for flue-gas cleaning
such as thermal or catalytic oxidation, dust
precipitation, or adsorption - (ii) Treatment of residuals, wastewater, wastes
and sewage sludge by, for example, thermal
treatment or rendering them inert or chemical
processes that detoxify them - (iii) Process changes that lead to the reduction
or elimination of releases, such as moving to
closed systems - (iv) Modification of process designs to improve
combustion and prevent formation of POPs, through
the control of parameters such as incineration
temperature or residence time.
23Definition of Goals and BAT
- NOTE The Stockholm Convention does not set any
numeric emission limits nor reduction
requirements (in percent). - (g) Release limit values or performance
standards may be used by a Party to fulfil its
commitments for best available techniques under
this paragraph.
24Timetable for Dioxins/Furans
- Establish an action plan within 2 years after
entry into force of the Convention for the Party - A review of the strategies in the action plan to
achieve the goals every 5 years - Phase in the requirements of BAT identified for
new sources as soon as possible but not later
than 4 years after entry into force - These dates are part of the Convention and not
negotiable - Linkage to Article 7 on National Implementation
25Article 6 - Stockpiles and Wastes
- Develop appropriate strategies for identifying
stockpiles, products/articles in use and wastes
consisting of, containing or contaminated with a
POP - Manage stockpiles in a safe, efficient and
environmentally sound manner - Take appropriate measures to handle, transport,
store in ESM, dispose of that the POP content is
destroyed or irreversible transformed or
otherwise disposed of in an ESM not permit
disposal operations that may lead to recovery,
recycling, reclamation, direct reuse or
alternative use of POPs, develop strategies to
identify POPs contaminated sites.
26POPs Wastes (Snapshot)
- Chemical kg
- Aldrin 33,991 Pesticide data from
- Chlordane 41,841 FAO (Rome)
- DDT 637,046 Obsolete/Unwanted Pesticide
- Dieldrin 715,881 Database
- Endrin 71,617
- Heptachlor 6,597
- Mirex 56
- Toxaphene 314,447
- Total 1,821,476
- PCB 12,988 tons 15 countries Basel 1998
27New POPs
- Goal to identify possible POPs as early as
possible in assessment programs and take action
to reduce or eliminate generation and/or releases - Parties with regulatory and assessment schemes
shall- New substances take measures to
regulate them with the aim to prevent production
and use of new POPs- in-use substances
consider the screening criteria for POPs
candidates for addition to the Convention - Convention does not require the establishment of
such programs
28Criteria for New POPs (Annex D)
- Chemical identity Name (trade, commercial,
synonyms, CAS, IUPAC, CAS RN) structure,
isomers - Persistence t1/2 water gt 2 months, t1/2 soil /
sediment gt 6 months - Bioaccumulation BCF or BAF gt 5 000 or log KOW gt
5 - Potential for Long-Range Environmental
TransportMeasured or modelled data, pathways
air, water, migratory species t1/2 air gt 2 d - Adverse effect Evidence or (eco)toxicity data
show adverse effect to human health or
29General Obligations
- Designate a National Focal Point
- Develop, implement and update an implementation
plan - Promote and facilitate a wide range of public
information, awareness and education measures for
policy makers and all stakeholders - Encourage and, as resources permit, undertake
research, development, monitoring and cooperation
on all aspects of POPs and their alternatives - Report to the COP on measures taken by Party to
implement the Convention- effectiveness of the
measures taken- data concerning trade in
intentionally produced POPs
30Financial Technical Assistance
- Developing countries and countries with economies
in transition will need technical assistance - Regional and sub-regional centers will be
established for capacity building and transfer of
technology to assist countries in need - Developed countries will provide technical
assistance and new and additional financial
resources to meet full incremental
implementation cost - Global Environment Facility (GEF) is named as the
principal entity of the interim financial
mechanism to handle funding of capacity building
and other related activities
31Implementation Aspects
- Convention will enter into force 90 days after
50th ratification/accession - COP will be established to oversee
implementation- must meet within 1 year of
entry-into-force thereafter at regular
intervals- must review effectiveness of
Convention commencing 4 years after
entry-into-force, and periodically thereafter
COP1 will arrange for comparable monitoring
data on presence of POPs and regional/global
environmental transport, and for reports on
monitoring on regional and global basis-
COP1 to establish POPs Review Committee - UNEP will provide the Secretariat.
32Convention Status
- Opened for signature on May 23, 2001
(Stockholm)until May 22, 2002 (New York at UN
headquarters)- 151 Countries have signed- 21
Parties to the convention - INC-6 - June 17-21, 2002 in Geneva-
Preparations for COP1- Implement the Stockholm
resolutions - INC-7 June 2003 in Geneva
- Convention text available in six languages
33Web Sites
- UNEP homepagehttp//www.chem.unep.ch/pops
- Stockholm Convention homepagehttp//www.pops.in