Title: Accounting 209 Financial Accounting
1Accounting 209Financial Accounting
- Spring 2001
- Review Session
- Wed., Jan. 24th, 2000
- Schedule
- General info
- About Me
- Tips and hints
- Intro to Accounting
2General Information
Andy Conti Office 402B Phone 845-4575 Email
ACCT209STA_at_cgsb.tamu.edu or andyacct209_at_hotmail.c
om Office hours MW 10-noon and by appointment R
eviews Wed 715-1100 or sooner, Heep 101
3About Me
- Texas Aggie Class of 2000
- Hometown Houston, TX
- B.B.A. in Accounting, May 01
- M.S. in Tax Consulting, May 01
4Review Sessions ARE
- Class supplement
- Review
- Homework
- Extra problems
- Practice problems
- Practice exams
5Review Sessions ARE NOT
- Class replacement
- Homework answer system
- Sufficient study time
- Non-participatory
6General Study Tips
- Do the homework
- Work extra problems
- Come to the review sessions
- Try to get the Big Picture
- Ask questions, give feedback
7Specific 209 Tips
- Spend lots of time on Chapter 4
- Terminology is key
- Chs. 6 - 10 are details of Ch. 4
- Ch. 13 is usually hardest
- Plan a full week for each Practice Problem
- Plan 3 days for each major exam
8The Big Picture
Opportunities arise
Evaluation/ Reaction
Management responds
Stuff happens
9The Big Picture
Chs. 6-8
Chs. 8-9
Ch. 10
Ch. 13
An asset is a probable future economic benefit
obtained or controlled by a particular entity as
a result of
past transactions or events.
- Keyword own
- Short term vs. long term
- Tangible vs. intangible
Examples cash, A/R, building, equipment,
patents, prepaid expenses
A liability is a probable future sacrifice of e
conomic benefits arising from present obligations
of a particular entity to transfer assets
or provide services to other entities in the
future as a result of past transactions or events
- Keyword owe
- Short-term vs. long-term
Examples unearned revenue, A/P, bonds payable,
accrued interest
Also referred to as net worth or capital, equit
y represents the claims against the assets by the
owners of the business.
- Keyword residual
- Two parts (for a corporation)
- Stock
- Retained Earnings
- a.k.a. Capital
- Keyword earned
- Earned when firm has done its part
- Cash receipt irrelevant
- See page 4-5
- Keyword incurred
- Expense incurred when thing used up
- have already received benefit
- Cash payment irrelevant
- See page 4-5
15Financial Statements
- Balance Sheet
- Statement of financial position
- Point in time
- Assets Liabilities Owners Equity
- Income Statement
- Statement of activities
- Over the period
- Revenues - Expenses Net Income
16Balance Sheet Assets Liabilities Equity
Income Statement Revenues - Expenses Net Inco
Statement of Cash Flows Cash inflows - Cash outf
lows Change
in cash
Statement of Equity Beginning Invest. NI -
Dividends - NL