Title: Textbook on Instrumentation Elementary Particle Physics
1Textbook on Instrumentation Elementary Particle
Physics available on June 4, 2008, in the form of
pdf files, on BlackBoard and at www.nikhef.nl/d9
0/collegediktaat Examen 2007, met uitwerking,
idem. Vragen? vdgraaf_at_nikhef.nl 06 150 123 28
2Accelerators Electron-Volt (eV) Cathode ray
tube Electron charge, mass, rest mass E2 mo2 c4
p2c2 With this you solve everything ? v /
c ? 1 / sqrt(1- ?2) ? sqrt(?2 -1) / ? total
energy E m0 c2 sqrt(1 ?2 ?2) rest mass
kinetic energy X-ray tube Lorentz Force, radius
of curvature p r q B ? p 0.2998 B
r Accellerators Cockcroft-Walton, Van de Graaff,
cyclotron, Linac Synchrotron Fixed-target
(experiments), colliders, colliding beam
experiments Synchrotron radiation Beam
focussing Colliding beam bunches, timing of
3ATLAS a typical Particle Physics
experiment Record data and reconstruct typical
p-p collider events Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
7 7 TeV p-p collisions Bunch separation 25
ns Example of object to study Higgs ? Z0 Z0 ?
µ µ- µ µ - Position of passage Momentum
of charged particle Energy of particle Time of
passage Particle type Tracking Calorimeters -
Muon Spectrometer Magnet (Inner Solenoid) Inner
Tracking EM Calorimeter Hadron Calorimeter Magnet
(Toroid) Muon System Vertex tracking lifetime
4- High spatial resolution
- low mass
- low power
- fast
- Semiconductor pixel detector
- Semiconductor detectors
- Calorimeters Electro-magnetic (electrons,
photons) - Hadronic calorimeters
- Muon Spectrometer Toroid magnet, sagitta, muon
chambers - Drift tubes (MDTs) gas ionisation, electron
drift, electron avalanche, drift time
5Electro-magnetic interactions (or interaction of
fast charged particles with matter) Bethe-Bloch
final result (minimum ionising particle
(MIP),relativistic rise Fluctuation in energy
loss Landau distribution results Gauss
tail knock-on MontCarlo simulations Particle
Identification using dE/dX
6Scintillators Scintillation principle
molecule/Xtal in exited state, decay, emission of
photons Some properties of some materials
organic, non-organic Light guides, fibers,
reflection, wavelength shifters Photon detection
photo-multiplication tube (photo-multiplier) Phot
o-cathode dynode, dynode potentials, resistor
chain anode gain (HV), gain(dynodes) Effect of
(small) B-field Micro-channel plate Hodoscope
2nd coordinate, timing Time-Of-Flight (TOF) Time
7Brehmstrahlung e- ? e- gamma can NOT occur in
vacuum (but near nucleus, in EM field) Photon
Interactions photo-effect Compton
Scattering Pair Production not in vacuum!
8Gaseous Detectors Know about Bethe-Bloch and
Landau Mainly used to measure the trajectory of
a charged particle momentum when a magnetic
field is applied particle identification Typica
l (until 1980) inner tracking Curvature S
L2/8R Ionisation Chamber smoke detector Geiger
Counter, Geiger-Muller counter Spark Chamber,
Streamer Chamber Principle (primary) ionisation,
electron drift, electron avalanche, (charge)
signal detection Energy loss primary clusters,
cluster density, fluctuation of e- in
cluster MultiWire Proportional Chamber Drift
Chambers Electron drift electron/ion mobility,
saturation (non-linear) E-field/v-relation Loren
tz Angle Electron diffusion (transversal,
longitudinal) Gas Multiplication gas gain,
electron avalanche, Townsend Coefficient Operation
Mode ionisation chamber, proportional,
geiger-muller, discharge Signal development Drift
chamber field configurations
9- Time Projection Chamber 3D detector
- 2nd coordinate 2nd chamber 90 deg rotated or
stereo angle - charge division,
- diff. timing (delay line)
- Micro Pattern Gas Chambers (MPGCs)
- - Micro Strip Gas Chambers (MSGC)
- - Micromegas
- - GEM
- GridPix chambers
- Resistive Plate Chambers (RPCs)
- Gas Mixtures
- UV photon generation quenching
- oxigen electron attachment
- purity
- ageing
- Calibration r-t relation, d-t relation
- t-zero calibration
- drift time spectrum
10Calorimeters Energy measurement total
absorption, signal (sample) proportional
to energy Shower development different for
hadrons and photons/electrons (EM) EM shower
model Brehmstrahlung, Pair Production Radiation
Length definition Critical energy
definition Exponential shower development until
critical energy fluctuation of electrons
(tracks) involved Attentuation Length Empirical
models Monte Carlo simulations Example CMS EM
calorimeter, ATLAS Liquid Argon
accordeon Hadron Showers Interaction Length
protons, pions, EM component Sampling/Continues So
me absorbers, some readout media ATLAS Tile/fiber
11Neutrino and Astro Particle Physics Kamiokande
proton decays, Supernova neutrinos, neutrino
oscillations Cosmic Neutrinos Antares Cerenkov
radiation, muon track reconstruction