Title: Rural Development Program 20072013
1Rural Development Program 2007-2013
- Aivis Reinholds
- Department of European Union State Aid Department
- Ministry of Agriculture
2Rural Development 2007 - 2013
LEADER axis 2.5
Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
diversification of the rural economy 20
- Axis 1
- Improving the competitiveness of the agricultural
and forestery sector - 50
Axis 2 Improving the environment and
countryside 30
Total1,04 billion EUR national
co-financing 1.36 billion EUR
3Financial Plan of RDP 2007-2013 (public funding,
4Axis 1 Improving the competitiveness of the
agricultural and forestry sector
5RDP 2007-2013 by Rural Development Measures (Axis
1, MEUR)
6Vocational training and information actions
- 1. Eligible activities
- Training
- Information actions.
- 2. Amount of support
- Up to 100 from the eligible costs
7Setting up of young farmers
- 1. Eligible activities
- Initial establishment of an agricultural
enterprise with the purpose of manufacturing
agricultural produce. - 2. Amount of support
- Support up to EUR 40 000. Aid intensity 80.
8Early retirement
- 1. Eligible activities
- Early retirement of farmers and farm employees
- 2. Amount of support
- Calculated on the basis of the transferred
agricultural land area (minimum 5 ha) and
transferred cattle units. The minimum area
transferred AL is eligible to retirement benefit
support of EUR 2000 per year adding 20 EUR for
every further ha transferred and 30 EUR per year
for every transferred cattle unit. Maximum amount
of support to a beneficiary is 6000 EUR per year - Latest opinion is that we are not implementing
the measure
9Use of consultancy services intended for people
involved in agriculture and forestry
- 1. Eligible activities
- Helping farmers and forest owners to cover the
expenses associated with consultancy services
used to ensure compliance with the requirements
set forth in Articles 4 and 5 and Annexes III and
IV of Regulation (EC) No. 1782/2003. - Improving general operation of relevant
agricultural and forestry enterprises by means of
consultancy service. - 2. Amount of support
- The total compensation per beneficiary (or single
enterprise) over the complete programming period
may amount to 60, but shall not exceed 1000 EUR
of the total consultancy expenditure.
10Establishment of management, support and
consultancy services
- 1. Eligible activities
- A Support provided to the establishment of the
Forest Owners Consultancy and Training Centre of
the State Forest Service, as well as measures
aimed at consultancy network development, which
would enable forest owners to improve their
professional knowledge and competences by making
use of qualified consultancy services. - 2. Amount of support
- Fixed amount the beneficiary of which is State
Forestry Service. Support is provided no longer
than 5 years after establishment of the Forestry
Consultancy and Training Service Centre,
gradually diminishing the amount.
11Modernisation of agricultural holdings
- 1. Eligible activities
- Investments in supply and installation of new
equipment, machinery, accessories, information
technologies and software designed for the
manufacture of agricultural produce - New construction and reconstruction of industrial
facilities for agricultural production, as well
as supply of required construction materials - 2. Amount of support
- Maximum eligible costs 600 000 EUR 1200000 EUR
(depending upon the Activity and type of
Beneficiary). - Support intensity regarding eligible costs for
purchase of equipment and technology up to 50000
EUR - 40, but above 50000 EUR 25. Support
intensity regarding eligible costs in
construction - 40.
12Improving economic value of forests
- 1. Eligible activities
- Investments into forests to increase their
economic value - Maintenance of young forest stands
- Replacement of inferior forest stands
- Replacement of underproductive forest stands with
targeted productive young forest stands - New machinery, instruments, accessories and/or
equipment designed for maintenance of coppices. - 2. Amount of support
- For coppice maintenance up to 100 EUR/ ha
depending upon forest type. Replacement of
inferior forest stands support amount for
establishment - 500 EUR/ha, maintenance 140
EUR/ha for 3 years. - Replacement of underproductive forest stands with
targeted productive coppices - 350 EUR/ha
maintenance 140 EUR/ha for 3 years. - Purchase of machinery, instruments, accessories
and/or equipment designed for maintenance of
coppices. The amount of eligible costs up to 10
000 EUR (minimum size of project 1000 EUR,
support intensity 50 ). - Support rates for area dependent payments
EUR/ha are indicative
13Increasing added value of agricultural produce
- 1. Eligible activities
- Investments for supply and installation of new
equipment, machinery, information technologies
and software designed for processing of
agricultural produce - New construction, reconstruction and
rehabilitation of facilities designed for
processing of agricultural produce - Investments related to the environment protection
and processing of production by-products that
improve general operation of enterprise. - 2. Amount of support
- Support intensity to micro-establishments, small
and medium-size establishments - 40, rest of
establishments 25. - Total eligible project expenditure shall not
exceed 3,000,000 EUR including costs not
directly related to technological process of
processing (primary processing) shall not exceed
1200000 EUR.
14Infrastructure for development and adaptation of
agriculture and forestry
- 1. Eligible activities
- Construction of amelioration systems,
reconstruction and renovation of amelioration
systems registered in the amelioration cadastre
(on forest lands only reconstruction and
renovation is eligible) - Construction or rehabilitation of access roads to
agricultural production facilities - Construction or rehabilitation of service areas
next to agricultural production facilities - Construction/rehabilitation of water and power
supply systems. - 2. Amount of support
- Support intensity for municipality projects - 75
, for A/S Latvijas valsts mei - 25, for
other beneficiaries - 40 of eligible costs.
For reconstruction and renovation of amelioration
systems registered in the amelioration cadastre,
the support intensity for any beneficiary is 75
of eligible costs - The total eligible project costs shall not exceed
100000 EUR. In case, the project foresees the
reconstruction or renovation of public
amelioration system in co-operation with A/S
Latvijas valsts mei and/or municipality, the
amount of eligible costs shall not exceed 200 000
15Support to restructuring of semi-subsistence
- 1. Eligible activities
- Supply of equipment and machinery
- Construction, rehabilitation and renovation of
buildings - Supply of required construction materials
- Investments in permanent plantations.
- 2. Amount of support
- Maximum support total per single farm shall be
1,500 EUR per year, and it shall be payable only
for 5 successive years
16Support to producer groups
- 1. Eligible activities
- Administrative and economic operation of producer
groups providing for adaptation of manufacturing
process and products to commercial requirements,
joint marketing of merchandise, including
preparation for sale, centralised sales, supply
to wholesalers and elaboration of standard
provisions with regard to industrial information - 2. Amount of support
- Total support shall be determined based on a
flat-rate considering the sales volume produced
by specific producer group with regard to
agricultural produce manufactured by the group
members and not exceeding certain ceilings. - In case that annual sales volume produced by
specific producer group with regard to
agricultural produce manufactured by the group
members is lower than 1,000,000 EUR, the annual
support payment shall be calculated by way of
regression from 5 onwards. - Should annual sales volume produced by specific
producer group with regard to agricultural
produce manufactured by the group members exceed
1,000,000 EUR, annual regressive rate from 2.5
onwards shall be applied to the share exceeding
1,000,000 EUR. - Total support per producer group shall not exceed
the maximum of 100,000 EUR set for the 1st year
and 50,000 EUR as set for the 5th year.
17Axis 2 Improving the environment and countryside
18RDP 2007-2013 by Rural Development Measures (Axis
2, MEUR)
19Payments to farmers in areas with handicaps,
other than mountain areas
- 1. Eligible activities
- Agricultural activity on utilised agricultural
land in less favoured areas - 2. Amount of support
- The payment shall compensate additional expenses
and foregone income suffered by agricultural
producers due to unfavourable conditions for
agricultural activity in the respective
20NATURA 2000 payments and Payments linked to
Directive 2000/60/ECC
- 1. Eligible activities
- annual compensation payment to offset
restrictions of economic activity in utilized
agricultural areas, which are subject to
restrictions of economic activity with regard to
implementation of Directives 79/409/EEC and
92/43/EEC. - 2. Amount of support
- A beneficiary is eligible to receive aid if
- 1) performs agricultural activity on eligible UAA
of at least 1 ha consisting of plots not smaller
than 0.3 ha - 2) cross compliance of Articles 4 and 5 and
Annexes III and IV of Regulation (EC) No.
1782/2003, the minimum requirements for
fertiliser and plant protection product use and
other mandatory requirements specified in Annex 9
of the Programme are complied with in the entire
- The measure involves four sub-measures
- Developing of organic farming
- Introducing and promoting integrated
horticulture - Maintaining biodiversity in grasslands
- Stubble field in winter period.
22First Afforestation of Non- Agricultural land
- 1. Eligible activities
- Afforestation of non-agricultural land. Non-
agricultural land shall be the land outside land
parcels (areas which are included in land parcels
are lands which conformed with good agricultural
practice as of 30th of June 2003) - Maintenance of and additional planting in
self-established forest stands - 2. Amount of support
- Specific criteria according to composition of
stand to be afforested -
- Beneficiaries land owners (natural persons and
legal entities, municipalities)
23NATURA 2000 Payments (to Forest Owners)
- 1. Eligible activities
- Compensation for restrictions imposed on economic
activity in private forests and forest land,
situated in NATURA 2000 territories - 2. Amount of support
- 1) 60 EUR/ha without reference to the type of
restriction of management activity. Such payment
will be applied until the problem mentioned in
background - 2) Differentiated payment depending on type of
management restriction. These payment amounts
will be applied after the issue mentioned in
background will be solved - Beneficiaries Private owners of forest and
forest land
24Restoring Forestry Potential and Introducing
Prevention Actions
- Eligible activities
- 1) Restoration of forestry potential in the areas
affected by fire and/or natural disasters - 2) Introduction of forest fire-safety prevention
measures - 2. Amount of support
- 1) Differentiated support rates for regeneration
under the activity Restoration of the forestry
potential in the areas affected by fire and/or
natural disasters - 2) Under the activity Introduction of forest
fire-safety and prevention measures the support
is payable only to state authorities in the
amount of 100 of the justified expenses of the
project - Beneficiaries Private forest land owners
(natural persons and private legal entities) and
municipalities shall qualify as beneficiaries
under the measure Restoration of the industrial
potential of forestry in the areas affected by
fire and/or natural disasters - State authorities shall qualify as beneficiaries
under the measure Introduction of forest
fire-safety and prevention measures
25Axis 3 The quality of life in rural areas and
diversification of the rural economy
26RDP 2007-2013 by Rural Development Measures (Axis
3, MEUR)
27Support to creation and development of
- 1. Eligible activities
- Creation of new and development of existing
entes - Facilitating production of fuel derived from
agricultural and forestry produce - 2. Amount of support
- Facilitating production of fuel derived from
agricultural and forestry produce maximum
amount of eligible costs 350000 EUR, support
intensity 40. - Support to development of enterprises maximum
amount of eligible costs 100000 EUR, support
intensity 40. - Support to creation of new enterprises (only for
physical persons) maximum amount of eligible
costs EUR 50000 EUR), support intensity 40.
28Production of energy from biomass which is of an
agricultural or forestry origin
- Activities
- Investments in the equipment and constructation
of production units - Territory
- Rural territory
- Beneficiaries
- Physical and legal persons who produce products
of Annex 1 or approved agricultural co-operatives
or their newly establihed enterprises - Aid intensity
- Aid intensity is 40. Maximum eligible costs 6
mio LVL
29Key Services to Economy and Population
- 1. Eligible activities
- Reconstruction or rehabilitation of parish roads,
streets and access roads - Construction, rehabilitation, renovation and
refurbishment of facilities designed as meeting
points of local action groups, community centres,
as well as similar (leisure, sports and cultural)
facilities - Territory improvement
- Construction, rehabilitation and renovation of
power supply system utilising renewable energy
sources. - 2. Amount of support
- Amount of eligible costs up to 200 000 EUR,
support intensity 75. Beneficiaries are local
30Facilitating tourism
- 1. Eligible activities
- Reconstruction or renovation of existing tourist
accommodations with maximum 20 beds. - Construction, rehabilitation or renovation of
catering facilities in existing tourist
accommodations, supply of the required equipment - New construction, rehabilitation or renovation of
common (kitchen, refreshment room, toilet and
shower) facilities in campsites and hostels,
except for construction of baths or sauna. - Diversification of tourism services
- Environment protection related investments in
rural tourist accommodations, e.g. construction
of wastewater treatment facilities and
sedimentation wells, replacement of slate roof
covering with that of environment-friendly
material. - 2. Amount of support
- Support intensity 30-50 , amount of eligible
costs from 50000 to 100000 EUR.
31Conservation and restoration of rural heritage
- 1. Eligible activities
- renovation or refurbishment of museum buildings,
as well as fencing and ancillary facilities
adjacent to particular site to ensure sound
operation of the museum - restoration or manufacturing of authentic
equipment, machinery, instruments, etc. designed
for agricultural activities to arrange for
exposition and/or adjustments required for
operational exhibition - Establishment of museum signs and panels,
ensuring access to Internet service on the museum
premises - Arrangement and improvement of the site adjacent
to museum facilities - Renovation of vocational education and training
institutions - Etc.
- 2. Amount of support
- Amount of eligible costs up to 200 000 EUR,
support intensity 75 (for public institutions up
to 100).
32Axis 4 Implementation of the LEADER approach
33RDP 2007-2013 by Rural Development Measures (Axis
4, MEUR)
34Improvement of competitiveness on local
development strategy implementation territories
- 1. Eligible activities
- described under measures 112,121,123 and 125 in
Axis 1 of this programme if in the local
development strategies the increase of
competitiveness of these sectors are necessary
for development of local territory - it is also possible to implement other action
types supporting the activities of the above
mentioned Axis 1- measures and which are likely
to promote and improve the competitiveness of the
agricultural, forestry and processing sectors - 2. Amount of support
- to be received within the framework of the
measure is governed by Art. 64 of Council
Regulation (EC) 1698/2005 as well as Commission
Regulation (EC) No 1974/2006 Axis 1 measures - Beneficiaries are described under the above
measures under Axis 1.
35Diversification of rural economy and improvement
of the quality of live on local development
strategy implementation territories
- 1. Eligible activities
- as described under measures 312 (311) 313, 321
and 323 of Axis 3 of this programme as well as
activities - 1) Purchase of inventory, facilities and
establishment of small-scale infrastructure
(including construction and renovation) to ensure
accessibility of different services for rural
population, their quality and availability - 2) Purchase of inventory, facilities and
establishment of small-scale infrastructure
(including construction and renovation) to
diversify public social activities (including
training and centres of interests, cultural,
environmental protection, sports and other
leisure activities) - 3) other Axis 3 action-types the objectives of
which are the promotion of quality of live by
LEADER approach. - 2. Amount of support
- eligible expenditure per a supported project
shall not exceed 20 000 EUR
36Inter-territorial and transnational cooperation
- 1. Eligible activities
- 1) Inter-territorial cooperation between local
action groups at the national level - 2) Transnational cooperation between local action
groups in the European Union Member States and
territories, where organisations implementing
activities similar to the LEADER approach
operate. - 2. Amount of support
- Size of support and financing procedure is set
following the procedure set by the Cabinet of
Ministers - Support intensity up to 100
- The following costs are eligible
- 1) First contact establishment costs (technical
support to prepare the first visit and to project
preparation, e.g., travel expenses, per diems), - 2) Joint action implementation costs (e.g.,
organisation of exhibitions, seminars, etc.), - 3) Running costs of commonly established
structures, - 4) Support to animation activities,
- 5) Project publicity cost,
- 6) Overheads directly associated with project
preparation and/or implementation and not
exceeding 10 of total eligible costs
37Running the local action group, acquiring skills
and animating the territory
- 1. Eligible activities
- 1) studies of the area concerned
- 2) measures providing information about the
respective territory and the local development
strategy - 3) training for the LAG members involved in
preparation and implementation of a local
development strategy - 4) promotional and experience sharing measures,
training of local leaders - 5) ensuring the operation of LAGs, administrative
costs of local development strategies. - 2. Amount of support
- Expenditure associated with ensuring the
operation of LAGs within the framework of this
measure may not exceed 20 of the total public
expenditure of the local development strategy
(Axis 4)
38Thank you!