Title: Texas Safe Routes to School Program
1TexasSafe Routes to School Program
2Childrens Health Risks
- Related to Physical Inactivity, Pedestrian
Safety, Air Quality - Prevalence of overweight children has
tripled-Nationally there are 25 million obese or
overweight children! - Sharp increase in cases of Type 2 Diabetes in
children - Pedestrian injuries are the 3rd leading cause of
unintentional injury-related death among
children. - Asthma rates have increased 160 in the past 15
years in children.
3Barriers to walking and bicycling to school
Time and Convenience
4Reasons to do a Safe Routes to School Program
Increased physical activity
Improved pedestrian skills
Increased independence
More social interaction
Many reasons to do a Walk and Bicycle to School
Community design
Reduced fear of crime
Less reliance on automobile
Decreased neighborhood/ school traffic
5Trends in School Travel (cont.)
- Reasons for decrease in children walking
bicycling to school - Distance to school
- Traffic-related danger
- Weather
- Crime danger
- Opposing school policy
- Other
6Chances of a Child Being Harmed in a Given Year
in the US
Victim of a stereotypical kidnapping .00016 St
ruck by lightning .00025 Killed in a
motor vehicle crash .0125
Credit Bob Chauncey National Center for
Bicycling Walking
7How can SRTS Improve Traffic?
- As much as 26 of morning traffic can be
school-related - Less children driven less traffic less
stress (road rage)
8Environment Air Quality
- What is the environmental impact of SRTS?
- Reduced air pollution from automobile emissions
9Safe Routes to School Programsa Key to the
- Start by developing a Safe Routes to School Plan
10What is a SRTS Plan?
- Describes existing conditions
- Identifies existing problems
- Proposes solutions
- Describes coordination efforts
- Details evaluation methods
11Example of SRTS Activities
- Walkability bikeability audits of safety around
the schools - Programs to improve sidewalk conditions near
schools - Use of traffic calming devices to slow traffic
- Programs to educate children on safely walking
12SRTS Activities (cont.)
- Develop walking school buses
- Increase traffic enforcement around schools
- Enhance cooperation among school officials, law
enforcement, transportation planners
13Texas SRTS Funding
- FY 04-07 Committed 24,139,123 in Federal
SAFETY-LU State funds for total of 244 projects - God Bless America and God Bless Texas license
plates, 32 per plate is used for the SRTS
142007 Funds Approved in the H-GAC Area
- Infrastructure
- City of Houston-Carrillo Elementary
- Sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, traffic calming
bike racks - City of Houston-Briscoe Elementary
- Sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, traffic calming
bike racks - City of Houston-Burnet Elementary
- Sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, traffic calming
bike racks - City of Houston-Franklin Tijerina Elementary
- Sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, traffic calming
bike racks - City of Houston-DeZavala Elementary
- Sidewalks, crosswalks, signs, traffic calming
bike racks
15Non-Infrastructure Projects from the H-GAC Area
- 1 application received-not funded
16Next SRTS Program Call
- Probably in the Fall of 2008
- If considering a Infrastructure or a
Non-Infrastructure application, start now to
develop SRTS Plan - Conduct a SRTS Planning Conference
- Submit Plan to State SRTS Program Coordinator for
17Internet Resources
- Texas Safe Routes to School website
- www.dot.state.tx.us/services/traffic_operations/
- safe_routes_to_school/default.htm
- National Center for Safe Routes to School
Clearinghouse - www.saferoutesinfo.org
- National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
- www.nhtsa.gov
18Contact Information
- Texas SRTS Coordinator
- Tonna Marcyes
- 512/416-3207
- tmarcye_at_dot.state.tx.us