Title: His Path, Our Journey
1His Path, Our Journey
2Join us
- Our lesson today is one
- of quiet reflection.
- Ponder your thoughts about Christ and the
sincerity of your own beliefs in Him.
3Find a seat away from everyone
- Be still.
- Be quiet.
- Be courteous.
- Allow the Spirit an opportunity to testify of
our Savior- His birth, His work here on earth,
His death, and most important, His resurrection.
He lives!!
4Do not open your journal until prompted
- Our prayer is that this experience will instill
in you a greater testimony of our Savior and His
complete love for you. - We pray that you will have a greater desire to
serve Him and our fellowmen. His hands were
"tools of creation, stronger than nations", and
giving endlessly. May we make our hands more
like those from Galilee.
5Do Not Speak
- We invite you to quietly take a seat apart from
beloved companions. Listen to the beautiful
music and let the Spirit testify of Christ's
presence here today.
6Let His Light Shine in your hearts and consider
- Invoke the Holy Spirit so that you may feel your
full testimony. It is here to guide you. Listen
carefully. He speaks to your soul today.
7Please open your journals to page 1
- How do we know that the Spirit is in this very
room? - Is it even important to know how?
- Take a moment to write about how we can invite
the Spirit to share our quiet moments in our
8For unto you is born this day in the city of
David, a Saviour, which is Christ the LordSt.
Luke 211
9And they came with Haste to find Mary and Joseph
and the babe...
- He was born in the humblest of circumstances.
- His Earthly parents and the animals were the
only ones there to witness His birth.
10He was placed in a manger for there was no place
for Him elsewhere
11The Prophecy Fulfilled
- A star set in the sky signified the magnitude of
this simple event. - Shepherds in the field and wise men from the east
came to worship Him. The shepherds told everyone
what they had witnessed. - And lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them,
and the glory of the Lord shone round about them
and they were sore afraid Luke 29
12And ye shall find a baby wrapped in swaddling
clothes, lying in a manger Luke 212
- Mary, on the other hand, quietly took it all in,
and pondered everything in her heart.
13Please open your journals to page 2
- Can you even imagine the love and responsibility
she must have felt as she held her precious baby
in her arms? - How would you feel if God had chosen you to be
the protector and nurturer of the greatest man to
ever live?
14Jesus, The Early Years
15In Favor With God
- Even as a small child, Jesus was the perfect
model of love for His Heavenly Father. - His mother taught Him well.
16This Special Boy Grows As We Do
- As a young boy, Jesus was loved and taught the
ways of His earthly father. He grew to be a
skilled apprentice.
17And a child shall lead them
- And the child grew and became strong, filled
with wisdom and the favor of God was upon Him.
Luke 240
18The Perfect Older Brother
- He lived His life for us
- He learned from the example of His earthly family
and grew to be a Heavenly example for us all.
19Please open your journals to page 3
- Childhood is so difficult. How does it feel to
know your Savior suffered the same things we do
as teens? - He was loved, He was hated, He was trying to
please His parents and trying to learn what free
agency meant. - Do you think your confidence would wax strong if
you endured His trials? - How would He feel if He endured Your trials?
- What would He do different?
20He Became Our Greatest Teacher
21- There is no greater teacher than one who has
experience in what He teaches.
22Jesus Christ was one of us. He was human. He
had human experiences. He shared all the gifts
from our Father in Heaven, including happiness...
23 24- And Anger... He was like us
25Only Better!
26- There is no aspect of human nature He does
not share with us, and His willingness to teach
this to us, is a great blessing.
27He was Baptized in the name of the Father...
- Baptism is a sign to God that we are willing to
do what He commands. Jesus was perfect, but He
knew that He must follow all of Gods
commandments, thus He set the perfect example of
fulfilling all righteousness.
28Please open your journals to page 4
- Do you seek a God of miracles? Where can you find
Him? - Do you seek a teacher of perfect knowledge?
- How does it feel to know that you are so blessed
for your desire to listen and learn and show your
faith in the Lord? - How does it feel to know He loves you enough to
send His only Begotten son to guide you?
29Those He Beholds As the Most Sacred of Creatures
30I Am the Way
- Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is
far above rubies.
31Woman was created in the image of His most sacred
- She stretcheth out her hand to the poor yea,
she reacheth forth her hands to the needy.
strength and honour are her clothing and she
shall rejoice in time to come.
32 but she in her punery, hath cast in all she
had St. Luke 214
- She openeth her mouth with wisdom and in her
tongue is the law of kindness. She looketh well
to the ways of her household, and eateth not the
bread of idleness.
33- Her children arise up, and call her blessed her
husband also, and he praiseth her. Many daughters
have done virtuously, but thou excellest them
34Please open your journals to page 5
- "It is Elizabeth and Mary, who are first to
receive the message of Christ's coming, who are
praised and blessed by God's angels, and who are
first to sing and prophesy about the Christ
child. Luke presents these women not only as
witnesses to the events surrounding the births of
John and Jesus, but also as active participants
in God's Messianic purposes" - What is YOUR divine purpose in our Lords plan?
35In Remembrance of Thy Son
- Persecution The Last Supper
36- When Mary anointed the feet of Jesus with costly
ointment Judas Iscarot was upset because he
thought it a waste
37- Art thou King of the Jews?
38- Pray always lest ye faint
39Do This in Remembrance
- Thus is my body which is given for you this do
in remembrance of me.
40- And being in agony, He prayed more earnestly
and His sweat was as it were great drops of blood
falling down to the ground
41Please open your journals to page 6...
- Do you find yourself in places of darkness from
time to time? - Do mortal trials weaken your faith and bring
turmoil to your spirit? - When your heart is troubled, how do you find
peace? - Can you think of experiences in your life when
the Comforter was there and brought you peace?
42The Ultimate Sacrifice
- And he said unto Jesus Lord, Remember me when
thou comest into Thy Kingdom
43Father, Forgive them, for they know not what
they do
44Please open your journals to page 7
- Our Savior prayed in agony that if it could be
possible...to remove the "bitter cup." He
trembled...great drops of blood flowed from every
pore...yet He submitted to the will of the Father
saying, "Thy will be done. - Can you even imagine how much He must love YOU to
suffer so much pain for YOU?
45He Rises and Promises
- And Jesus said unto him, Today shalt thou be
with me in paradise...
46Prophecy fulfilled
- "I know that My Redeemer Lives! What joy I will
feel when one day He addresses me by name, just
as He did Mary at the empty tomb. How fortunate
I feel to be baptized as a member of His
church that has taught me all that I must do to
live with Him someday!"
47The Way
- Jesus Saith unto him, I am the way, the truth,
and the life no man cometh unto the Father, but
by me. John 146
48The Promise
- In the words of the hymn, Let Me Not Forget, O
Savior, Thou didst bleed and die for me. - I wonder how many drops were shed for me. -
James E. Faust
49 Proof is shown
- Blessed are they that have not seen me and
yet have believed. St John 2029
50Please open your journals to page 8
- But what shall we use? Our lives must become a
meaningful expression, the symbol of our
declaration of our testimony of the Living
Christ, the Eternal Son of the Living God.
Gordon B. Hinckley
Take a moment to ponder what we do to symbolize
our faith and love for our Lord everyday.
51The Ascension
52The Gift
- But, Ye shall receive POWER, after that, The
Holy Ghost is come upon You And Ye shall be
witnesses unto MEand unto the uttermost part of
the Earth. The Acts 18
53The Second Coming
- Why stand ye gazing up into Heaven? The Acts
54- And then shall they see the son of man coming
in a cloud with power and great glory.. St. Luke
55Please open your journals to page 9
- I am the Alpha The Omega, The Beginning and
The Ending, Saith The LORD, Which IS, And which
WAS, and Which is to COME, The Almighty.
Revelation 18 - Are you ready?
- How are you preparing for this moment?
56- This presentation was brought to you in the name
of Jesus Christ. Amen.