Title: 1
1Extended Services in and around Schools
2A view from the Local Authority
- A new approach to the well-being of children and
young people from birth to age 19. - All organisations involved with providing
services to children will be teaming up in new
ways sharing information and working together. - The aim of this is to protect children and young
people from harm and help them achieve what they
want in life, so they are able to
3The core offer for parents and families to be in
or accessed through all schools by 2010
4Roll out in the City of Leicester
- A joint steering group for Extended
Services/Childrens Centres/Childcare Strategy - has been set up. This group consists of
representatives from a range of Local - Authority departments/settings, Headteachers,
COLGA, Voluntary Sector, and - Professional Associations.
- In selecting school participants for this pilot
year, the following criteria have been used - Levels of deprivation
- Levels of current activity
- Amalgamating schools
- Special projects such as those around the Spaces
for Arts programme
5Roll out in the City of Leicester
- By September 2006 at least 15 of Leicester City
Schools will be delivering access to the core
offer - By September 2008 at least 50 of City schools
- By 2010 all City schools
6Here is Edward Bear, coming downstairs now,
bump, bump, bump, on the back of his head, behind
Christopher Robin. It is, as far as he knows,
the only way of coming downstairs, but sometimes
he feels that there really is another way, if
only he could stop bumping for a moment and think
of it.