Title: Content Management Overview
2About Kontentsu
- Our mission is to
- Provide high-quality and high-value XML business
services and technologies - Help our customers re-use and re-purpose
smart-data content for global multilingual
markets. - Develop single-source and flexible content
3Content Management _at_Kontentsu
- Content Management (CM) is a key component of
many types of business solutions, including - Learning solutions
- Knowledge Management solutions
- Product Management, Maintenance and Support
solutions - Print, Multimedia, Web, Wireless and PDA
Publishing solutions in many fields (e.g.,
educational publishing, reference publishing,
legal publishing) - CM can be an end-to-end solution or part of the
supporting infrastructure - CM is essential for single-source publishing
4CM Market
XML ComponentManagement
XML Databases
Kontentsu Corp
Web ContentManagement
Digital AssetManagement
Enterprise DocumentKnowledge Management
5Kontentsus CM Experience
Industry leading CM projects and initiatives.
Some of the sectors include
Aerospace Publishing
Government Financial
Energy TelecomMedical
6Sample Project Experience
- Educational Publisher
- Flexible Content Architecture
- Reference Journal Publisher
- Digital Asset Management System
- Defense Aerospace Manufacturer
- CMS for aircraft documentation
- Energy Sector
- CMS for regulatory documents submission
- Health Sciences Publisher
- Integrated authoring and production tools
- Medical Manufacturer
- Automation of multilingual production in 20
languages - CM framework
- CM requirements
- CM pilot for 6000 global field-service engineers
- Government On-Line
- CM framework
- CM requirements
- CM workflow
- CM governance
7Sample Tools Technologies
Authoring Epic (ArborText) FrameMakerSGML
(Adobe) XMetaL (Corel) Interleaf
(Interleaf) WordPerfect (Corel) WordPerfect
SGML Edition (Corel) Word (Microsoft)
Database Astoria (LightSpeed) Content_at_
(XyEnterprise) Omega (Empolis) Oracle
Vasont (PIT)
- Web Delivery
- Apache
- TeamXML (Interwoven)
- WebLogic (BEA)
- Websphere (IBM)
- E3 (Arbortext)
- Integration
- Topic Maps
- OmniMark
- JavaScript, Python, PHP, Perl
- Java, C
- NearFar Designer,
- XML Spy, XML Authority
- Assembly Rendering
- E3 (Arbortext)
- FrameMakerXML/SGML (Adobe)
- OASYS (Miles 33)
- 3B2 (Advent)
- EpicPublisher/FOSI (ArborText)
- DL Composer (DataLogics)
- TopView
- DSSSL/Jade
8Important XML Standards
9CM Business Solutions
10Kontentsus CM Engagements
- System Architecture Design
- Requirements definition
- System architecture
- System design
- Flexible Content Architecture Design ?
- Content inventory
- Content mapping
- Data models
- Repository, authoring assembly DTDs schema
- XML/SGML Systems and Solutions Delivery
- Installation and configuration
- Product integration
- Custom development
- Training
11Like More Information?
- Contact
- info_at_kontentsu.com
- www.kontentsu.com
12(No Transcript)
13Web CMS Back
- Middle Range
- Infosquare Openshare
- Macromedia
- Microsoft
- Paperthin CommonSpot
- Percussion Software Rhythmyx
- RedDot Solutions
- Reef
- Starbase
- IntraNet Solutions
- Eprise Corp
- Mambo SiteServer (open source)
- CrownPeak Advantage CMS
- High End
- Interwoven Teamsite XML
- Vignette V/5
- Broadvision One to One
- Documentum
- Stellent
- Blue Martini
- Open Source
- Zope
- Red Hat CCM
- Midgard
14Enterprise Application Servers Back
- Plumtree (sample applications)
- Ariba
- Brio
- Business Objects
- Clarify
- Cognos
- Commerce One
- Documentum
- E-Piphany
- eRoom
- FileNet
- Great Plains
- Groupwise
- Hyperion
- I2
- Interwoven
- Lotus Notes
- Mainframe Systems
- Manugistics
- MS Exchange
- Micro Strategy
- Netegrity
- Oracle
- PeopleSoft
- Remedy
- Seagate
- Semio
- Siebel
- Vanitive
15XML Component CMS Back
- Enterprise
- Empolis Omega
- XyEnterprise Content_at_
- Progressive Information Technologies Vasont
- Departmental
- LightSpeed Astoria
- SiberSafe SiberLogic
- Arbortext Oracle Extender
16Enterprise Document Management Back
- Includes enterprise records management
- Documentum 4i
- Hummingbird Software
- OpenText LiveLink
- Tower Software TRIM
- Partners with ERM vendors
- FileNET
- iManage
- Stellent
- Others
- IBM Content Manager 8
- Gauss
- Xerox Docushare
17Digital Asset Management Systems Back
- Ascential Media 360
- Artesia Teams
- OpenPages Contentware
- Northplains Telescope
- Agari Mediaware Media Star
- Documentum 4i DAM Edition
18Enterprise Integration Platforms Back
- J2EE Market Leaders
- BEA WebLogic
- IBM WebSphere
- J2EE Others
- Arbortext E3 (XML)
- Oracle J2EE
- Sun iPlanet
- Allaire/Macromedia Jrun
- ATG Dynamo
- SilverStream eXtend
- Sybase App Server
- Oracle App Server
- Tamino Software AG (XML)
- .Net
- Microsoft
19Native XML Databases Back
- Key Vendors
- Software AG Tamino
- eXcelon
- Ipedo XML Database
- Others
- NeoCore XMS
- ZYZFind
- XiaSoft TextML
- Apache Xindice
- XML Global Technologies GoXML DB
- DataMirror DB/XML Vision
- Relational
- IBM Xperanto
- Orcle 9i Release 2
- Microsoft SQL Server (Yukon)
20e-Learning Back
21Flexible Content Architecture Back
Single-SourceRepository DTD
Authoring DTD(s)
Assembly DTD(s)
Output DTD(s)
22Repository DTD Back
- A Publication-Neutral Information Structure
- Based on rich and persistent semantics of the
information set itself - Deliberately avoids modeling a specific output
product - Allows new information products to be derived as
required - Enables querying and delivery of specific
information subsets - Helps identify gaps in the information set
- Repository DTD Characteristics
- Strong Information Typing
- Procedural, descriptive, fault isolation etc.
- Domain-specific information types
- Implemented through element structures and/or
metadata - Systems View
- May be logical, physical or both
- Implemented through element structures and/or
metadata - Business case considerations related to
complexity and stability of system
23Authoring DTD(s) Back
- Information Input
- Identical to or subset of repository DTD
- May or may not be required
- Enable manageable, intuitive markup palettes
- Considerations
- Authoring tasks What types of related
information are created at a given time - Information reuse What types of information need
to be managed separately.
24Assembly DTD(s) Back
- Information Aggregation
- identifies specific Infosets (content packages)
for submission to publishing process(es) - Database pointers to information modules stored
in the repository - Incorporates publishing data (wrapping) and
metadata - May or may not be channel-specific
25Output DTD(s) Back
- Multi-Channel Publishing
- Products of programmatic transformation
(XSLT,PERL, Omnimark) of content packages - Media-, domain- and/or tool-specific vocabularies
- Leverage public-domain stylesheets (Docbook,
38784C, XHTML, WML)
26Link Management Back
- Cross-References
- Automatic ID generation
- GUIs for browsing targets
- Where-used searching
- Permissions - approved, most recent
- Topic Maps
- Generates links based on metadata
- Used for navigation
- GUI is interactive directed-graph display
27InfoSet Back
- Understand Infoset
- Data sources, owners
- Data types, formats
- Volumes
- Outputs
- Develop Content Map
- Use cases
- Identify re-use
- Identify related applications
- Content map
- Develop FCA Data Model
- Define elements
- Enumerate attributes for each element
- Map data model to actual data
- Map data model to outputs
- Refine data model
- Map to new data sources
- Meta Data Model
- Repository DTD/Schema
- Authoring DTD/Schema
- Output DTDs/Schema
28Meta Data Back
- System
- Filename, date stamp, file size
- Object
- Metadata
- Element
- Attributes used for profiling
29Topic Maps Back
Topic map courtesy www.inxight.com
30Search Back
- Full Text
- Creates inverted index using stop words
- Boolean searches on full text
- Ignores markup
- Contextual
- Searches on markup full text
- Cascading elements attributes
- Keyword
- Searches on system and object metadata
- Thesaurus
- Indexes document against thesaurus
- Case-Based
- Doesnt require metadata on object
31Simple Object Access Protocol Back
- XML W3C Web Services standard
- Developed by IBM and Microsoft
- HTTP unidirectional communications protocol
- Describes how Web Services communicate over
Internet - Currently used to wrap/deliver XML message
packets - Future may be remote procedure calls (RPC) with
self-describing end-to-end process - Difficult to implement in loosely coupled systems
- Use with COM or CORBA
32Universal Description Discovery Integration Back
- XML Web Services standard
- Developed by IBM and Microsoft
- Online Yellow Pages
- Register, advertise and find Web Services
33Web Services Description Language Back
- XML W3C Web Services standard
- Developed by Microsoft
- Describes what Web Services are
- Describes basic format of Web Services request
- Independent of underlying protocol (e.g., SOAP)
- Favours single-purpose repositories with Web
Services engine in front, instead of aggregation
34Extensible Hypertext Markup Language Back
- XML standard
- Currently defined as HTML 4.1 Fixed DTD
- Structured
- Extensible with open standards
- SGML standard
- Currently defined as HTML 4.1 Transitional DTD
- Not structured
- Extensible with proprietary standards
35E-Business XML Back
- ebXML
- XML UN/CEFACT and OASIS standard
- Modular suite of specifications
- exchange business messages
- conduct trading relationships
- communicate data in common terms
- define and register business processes
36Sample Project Experience
- Educational Publisher
- Designed a pilot Flexible Content Architecture
project, including defining business requirements
for an XML-based content-management initiative to
explore issues in content creation, storage,
management and delivery, with an emphasis on
content re-use. - Reference and Journal Publisher
- Used Joint Application Design (JAD) approach with
key stakeholders to develop business requirements
for a Digital Asset Management System (DAMS).
37Sample Project Experience - contd
- Major Defense Aerospace Manufacturer
- Designed, installed, configured and customized an
XML-based content-management system for aircraft
documentation. - Energy Sector
- Designed and developed an XML-based
content-management system to support regulatory
documents for energy-related regulatory hearings. - Health Sciences Publisher
- Product integration of authoring and production
38Single-Source Publishing Back
- Deliver the right information at the right time,
using the best media/channel - Benefits
- Increased cost effectiveness in information
development - Decreased time to market
- Increased consistency in information
- Decreased cost of translation localization
- Increased accessibility, timeliness and
customization of information for end users