Title: The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act REA
1The Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act
Implementation Status
2Key Components of REA Implementation
- Organization
- Timeline
- Outreach
- Compliance
- Collections/Expenditures
- Public Participation
- America the Beautiful Pass (ATB)
3REA Implementation - Organization
FEE COUNCIL Senior officials from DOI and
STEERING COMMITTEE Senior Agency Staff Oversees
day-to-day implementation
WORKING GROUPS America the Beautiful Pass
Collections / Expenditures Communications
Public Participation/ Recreation RACs
4REA Timeline (Approximate)
Feb-June, 05 Develop guidelines and definitions
and provide to field
Feb-Dec, 05 Develop and implement Recreation
Dec '04 REA enacted
Jan 07 ATB pass available for sale
Jan-Feb 05 Initial compliance check
Feb 05 Dec 06 Develop RFP, conduct market
research, implement ATB Pass
5Outreach ActivitiesWe are committed to an open
and inclusive implementation process under REA.
- Listening sessions (6 to date)
- Congressional briefings
- Briefings offered to interested
stakeholders/groups - Outreach efforts during Great Outdoors Month,
June 2005 - Updates on the Department and Agency web-pages
6 Outreach Listening Sessions
- ATB Pass
- February 11 and February 18, Washington, DC
- June 2, Washington, DC Disabled Community
- Public Participation/Recreation RACs
- for feedback related to public participation
issues, including Recreation RAC structure - June 8, Washington, D.C. Great Outdoors Week
- June 15, Denver, Colorado
- June 17, Washington, D.C.
- Two Additional TBA in Western U.S.
7Program Changes
- Initial compliance check completed
- Fees inconsistent with new law have been
eliminated - No standard amenity fee for individuals under 16
years - Spending on biological monitoring of TE species
has ceased
8Program ChangesPreliminary Forest Service Site
9Program ChangesExample Los Padres NF
10Program ChangesBureau of Land Management
- Eliminated fees for overlooks at Imperial Sand
Dunes (CA) - Eliminated fees at undeveloped site at Orilla
Verde Recreation Area (NM) - Increased the number of sites that accept
national passes from 12 to 28 - Eliminated youth fee at Piedras Blancas (CA)
visitor center - Eliminated youth fee at Cape Blanco Lighthouse
11Collections/Expenditures Interagency Guidelines
have been adopted.
- A Common Set of Definitions
- Uniform Policy Statements
- Analysis of existing private and public
facilities or services in the vicinity - In addition, each agency is developing
additional guidelines to meet individual agency
12Public Participation
- Recreation RACs (USFS/BLM only)
- Options for Structuring Recreation RACs have been
formulated - Presentation and discussion of Options
- Congressional briefings
- Listening sessions with key national stakeholders
- USFS and BLM field staff with key state, local
and regional interests
132005 Recreation RAC Timeline (Approximate)
14Public ParticipationGuidelines (apply to all
- Publication in the Federal Register is required
before establishing any new recreation fee areas. - The Guidelines will provide the public with
opportunities to participate in - the development or changing of a fee
- how fee revenues should be spent
- The agencies will provide public notice of
- - A new fee area six months prior to
establishment - - A new or changed fee
- - How fee revenues are being spent
15America the Beautiful (ATB) Pass Goals
- Seek the input of key stakeholders and the public
- Establish a pass that is convenient for visitors
and set at a fair price - Establish a program that provides opportunities
for educating the public - Develop partnerships with organizations that
support recreation and stewardship.
16America the Beautiful Pass Guidelines
- Developing interagency guidelines on
- Price
- Revenue Distribution
- Cost Sharing
- Benefits Provided
- Documentation for age/disability discounts
- Issuance of the pass to volunteers
- Estimated completion in Fall 2005
17America the Beautiful Pass Outreach
- Listening sessions with interested stakeholders
- Two sessions were held in February to receive
input on the ATB pass. Additional sessions for
the public will be held as needed. - Session held in June with disabled community
regarding the ATB Access pass
18America the Beautiful Pass Decisions
- Continue 50 discounts for senior and access
ATB pass holders - Conduct marketing surveys and studies
- GovWorks to act as Contracting Officer
- Use the 2007 National Park Pass photo contest
to obtain the 2007 ATB image - Explore the use of technology to improve
visitor convenience
19America the Beautiful Pass Pricing Strategy
- Purpose Establish a pass that is convenient for
visitors and set at a fair price - Collect benchmark data
- Analyze price structures
- Utilize focus groups
- Conduct surveys
20America the Beautiful PassRevenue
- Revenue collected at agency sites remains in the
agency. Agencies set the policy for within
agency distribution. - Short-term (2-3 years) concept pass revenue
collected centrally (e.g., web sales, telephone
sales) will be divided on a equal basis with all
participating agencies - Long-term concept pass revenue collected
centrally will be divided by a formula that
incorporates use data
21Handouts Available
- The REA Implementation Status June 2005
Powerpoint - Recreation RACs Alternatives Powerpoint
- Quarterly Implementation Updates
- BLM Interim Guidelines
- FS Interim Guidelines
- Definitions Related to REA
- Analysis of Changes to Forest Service Program
22Next StepsBuilding a Successful Program
- We are committed to an open and inclusive
implementation process - We are looking forward to working with the
public, key stakeholders and interested groups,
states, local governments, and Congress to build
a successful recreation fee program. - Updates on the status of implementation of REA
may be found at - www.doi.gov
- www.fs.fed.us/recreation/programs