Title: Back to the Villa
1Back to the Villa
2Eramus Romae breve tempus, ubi consulebamus et
ibamus ad villam.
- We were in Rome for a short time, when we were
consulting and were going to the villa.
3Ponimus cistas in raeda, ita possumus relinquere
- We put the chests in the carriage, so we are able
to leave behind the city.
4Deinde sedebamus in raeda, et faciebamus iter.
- Then we were sitting in the carriage, and we were
making a journey.
5Eramus diu in raeda quod erat iter longum.
- We were in the carriage for a long time because
it was a long journey.
6Dormiebant omnes, sed ego non poteram dormire.
Deinde undecima hora poteramus videre Flaviae
- They were all sleeping, but I was not able to
sleep. Then at the eleventh hour we were able to
see Flavias villa.
7Sumus laetae videre servos et ancillas
laborantes, et Davus verberant baculo servos et
- We were happy to see the slaves and slave-women
working, and Davus was beating the slaves and
slave-women with his stick.
8Davus salutat nos risu laeto. Deinde Davus magna
ira clamat ad servos et ancillas, Laborate!
Etiam nolite laborare!
- Davus welcomes us with a happy laugh. Then Davus
with an angry voice shouts at the slaves and
slave-women, Work! Even if you do not wish to
Laborate! Etiam nolite laborare!
9Est bonus esse ad villam. Sum laetus esse in
cubiculo iterum.
- It is good to be at the villa. I am happy to be
in my room again.