Title: Expert designers and builders
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2Expert designers and builders
4- aqualia Infraestructuras, S.A., formerly
Servicios y Procesos Ambientales, S.A. (SPA), is
the Company inside the FCC Group specialized in
water treatment design and construction, inside
FCCs water branch business aqualia Gestion
Integral del Agua, S.A. - The origin of SPA coincided with the creation of
FCC, which was set up in 1992 as a result of the
merger between Fomento de Obras y Construcciones,
S.A. and Construcciones y Contratas, S.A.,
companies with a great tradition in the Spanish
water treatment sector hence SPA benefits from
the business and personal experience afforded by
the said companies from the countless works done
over fifty years.
5- In the year 2005 SPA, was acquired by aqualia
Gestion Integral del Agua, S.A., a company of
Group FCC, leader in Spain in the management of
water services - In August 2007 SPA has change its name to aqualia
Infraestructuras, S.A. to reinforce its role
inside the aqualia group.
6- Taking aqualia as a complete water solution
company, aqualia infraestructuras, S.A. is the
100 aqualias subsidiary company responsible
for - Specialised engineering (for Process, civil works
design, electromechanical and control design,
training,etc ) for water treatment plants,
concerning - Wastewater Treatment plants
- Conventional Drinking Water Treatment Plants
- Non Conventional/Membranes Drinking Water
Treatment Plants - Tertiary Treatments and Reuse
- Wastewater sludge treatment Plants
- Sea Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination
- Brackish Water Reverse Osmosis Desalination
- EPC contractor inside aqualias BOT and DBO
contracts concerning - Electromechanical and control
- Electromechanical equipment erection and/or
supervision - Start-up Commissioning
- Training
7aqualia Infraestructuras inside the FCC group
8- FCC group
- one of the first Spanish enterprise groups in
construction and services field - employing more than 67.560 people in the world
- turnover in 2005 exceeding 7.089,9 million Euros
- aqualia
- a complete water solution company, it manages
and operates drinking water and waste water
installations. Present all over the Spanish
geography it delivers water through a pipe
network of more than 15.007 Km, producing more
than 342.000.000 m3 of drinking water and
treating more than 200.000.000 m3 of wastewater a
year. It gives service to more than 11.000.000
inhabitants, a 33 of the Spanish water market. - Aqualia Infraestructuras (AI)
- a worldwide leader in this water industry,
thanks to its extensive experience in project
management and its flexible, dynamic
organisation, engineering expertise, advanced
technology and excellent service quality
standars. It manages 1/5 of national market. -
9- We base our development on three basic supports
- aqualia Infraestructuras has obtained a high
level of confidence from all type of clients,
private and public, at regional, national and
international level. - aqualia Infraestructuras guarantee high quality
installations with optimum performance in all its
work. Providing a group of professionals highly
qualified and owning the best known technology
ever. - aqualia Infraestructuras personnel is highly
prepared. All the departments are involved in the
design, execution, start-up and operation of the
plants, coordinated by staff specialised in
planning, team management, execution, quality
control, safety and health at work and
environmental management.
10Quality control and environmental management
11- aqualia Infraestructuras has the following
International Standards UNE EN ISO 90012000
and UNE-EN ISO 140011996.
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13- aqualia Infraestructuras looks far ahead into the
future and supports research, innovation and
development of new technologies, with real
environmental commitment and focusing on
sustainable solutions. - aqualia Infraestructuras commitment to
sustainability is present in all its work, as
evidenced by the use of recyclable products and
raw materials while minimizing all environmental
impacts from dumping and waste products, as well
as air and noise pollution. Environmental
management adheres to the ISO 14001 Standard - aqualia Infraestructuras includes final launching
as well as functional and operational tests for
as long as necessary. This is how we are able to
ensure compliance with the quality levels
demanded by the client and local legislation.
14Research and DevelopmentR D
15- aqualia Infraestructuras is focused on new
technologies. - RD are one of the high-priority activities of
the company, oriented to present solutions to
the different problems that arise in the field of
water treatment. - The integration of the department, within the
technical department allows to confront the
projects and results of the investigation with
the real projects, which allows the technical
department to design the facilities of water
treatment with the last and more modern
technologies. - The investigations mainly are based on projects
of investigation in plant pilot, using the
personnel of the company, and in some occasions
signing agreements of collaboration with
universities or research centres
17Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plants - WWTP-
WWTP Baix Llobregat (Barcelona)
18- WWTP built by aqualia Infraestructuras treat
wastewater from 15 million people equivalent. - In more than 100 installations we have applied
most physical-chemical and biological known
processes for wastewater treatment.
19- List of references WWTP (I)
20- List of references WWTP (II)
21- List of references WWTP (III)
22- List of references WWTP (IV)
23Drinking Water Treatment and Reuse - DWTP-
Extension of Burgos DWTP (Burgos)
24- aqualia Infraestructuras has built more than 30
installations to give potable water to more than
10 million inhabitants. - aqualia Infraestructuras has designed and built
tertiary treatment for existing WWTP to reuse in
irrigation, aquifer recharge and creation of new
ecologic flows.
25 26- List of references Tertiary Treatments
27Desalination plants - SWRO
SWRO Santa Eulalia Ibiza- SPAIN
28- aqualia Infraestructuras has designed and built
reverse osmosis seawater treatment plants to
provide safe water to more than 120.000
29- List of references SWRO and BWRO
30Industrial Water Treatment
C.C.Power Plant TARRAGONA I, Endesa Generación,
31- aqualia Infraestructuras has designed and built
many Industrial Water Treatment installations,
treating industrial effluents and providing
process water.
32- List of references Industrial Water Treatments
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