Title: PAR 2004 statistics preliminary scores
1Application of specific exergy to macrophytes as
an integrated index of environmental quality for
coastal lagoons M. Austoni , G. Giordani, P.
Viaroli and J. M. Zaldívar Department of
Environmental Sciences, Parma University, Parma,
Italy Rural Water and Ecosystem Resources Unit,
Institute for Environment and Sustainability,
European Commission, Joint Research Centre,
Ispra, Italy
Ecological Indicators (in press)
2Transitional systems between the Land and the Sea
- Bodies of surface water which are partly saline
in character as a result of their proximity to
coastal waters but which are substantially
influenced by freshwater flows, e.g. river
mouths, lagoons, and coastal brackish or salt
lakes. - Heterogeneous, variable and highly productive
ecosystems - Influenced by watershed (nutrients and
pollutants discharges) and open Sea - Integrated management concept for the
water-sediment-soil system at river scale - High economical areas (aquaculture, agriculture,
tourism). Necessity of cost-benefit analysis and
integration of socio-economic and environmental
Need for indicators!
- Be simple an inexpensive
- Capture function, composition and structure of
the ecosystem. - Be sensitive to stresses on the system
- Respond to stresses in a predictable manner
- Be anticipatory
- Predict changes that can be averted by management
actions - Be integrative
- Have a known response to disturbances,
anthropogenic stresses and changes over time - Have a low variability in response
4- Classification of INDICATORS
- Level 1 Application to specific species Level
2 Ratio between classes of organisms Level 3
Specific chemical compounds Level 4 Trophic
levels Level 5 Rates Level 6 Composite
indicators Level 7 Holistic indicators Level
8 Thermodynamic indicators
Handbook of Ecological Indicators for Assessment
of Ecosystem Health, 2005, S. E. Jørgensen, F.-L.
Xu R. Costanza (Eds). CRC Press
Ratio between classes of organisms)
- Ecological State Group (ESG) classification
matrix for seaweed and seagrasses (Orfanidis et
al., 2001, 2003). - ESG I. Species with low growth rates and long
life cycles - ESG II. Opportunistic species with high growth
rates and short life cycles
6IFREMER Classification scheme for coastal
lagoons (Level 6 Composite indicators)
e.g. Macrophytes
Souchu et al. (2000). Ifremer-Créocean
Université Montpellier II, 412 p.
7Application of Specific Exergy as an indicator
for coastal ecosystems(Level 8 Thermodynamic
Exergy is defined as the amount of work a system
can perform when it is brought to thermodynamic
equilibrium with its environment or reference
state (Jørgensen, 1997).
Specific exergy
Coherent calculation of bi
C? nuclear DNA content
8Application of Specific Exergy as an indicator
for coastal ecosystems (Level 8 Thermodynamic
- Calculation of b for typical Mediterranean
species 244 genera and species of macrophytes,
of which 85 Chlorophyta, 111 Rhodophyta, 44
Phaeophyta and 4 Angiosperms. - Application to Macrophytes/ 81 stations in 9
French Mediterranean lagoons - Comparison with existing criteria Orfanidis et
al. (2003), IFREMER (Souchu et al. 2000)
The non-parametric median test (sign test)
distinguishes between ESG I and ESG II
Ifremer classification scheme
The non-parametric median test (sign test)
distinguishes between Climax, drifting and
WFD corrective measures
15Application of Specific Exergy to fish data
catches from FAO
New Developments
Atlantic, Northwest
- Data on genetic content is becoming more common,
still the number of non-informative genes is not
an easy value to calculate. - The final specific exergy on an ecosystem will
be the averaged sum of all compartments.
Therefore, validation may be carried out
separately, e.g. macrophytes, phytoplankon, etc. - This approach may easily be extended to other